New guy with a case for you!


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys!, lets launch into the story
So i met this girl in my uni class like 3months ago.back then she showed me alot of IOIs but being the Chode that i was , i was too scarred to take action on em.
Anyway on the first meeting she started talking about her jerk BF and everthing, and i sat theere and consulted her(****ed up i know).
after that i thought iam defenatly in the freindzone now even though we had good Kino in the first meeting.
like a month later she contacs me and says(we were both in another city accidentialy) and says lets go to bla bla place and iam like sure lets go.then she mentions that One of her Girlfriends and her BF are going to be there too, so its a me&you and her&her boyfriend thing. iam like ok cool.

So the evening was going fine i wasnt choding or anything.the other guy was the "romantic not crazy" kind of guy and i was the opposite making fun of the girls while he was being overly polite"
I asked my girl "So hows it going with whats-his-name(her jerk boyfriend)?
And shes like yeah he apoligzed and were fine now.. At this point iam 100% sure that i made her a Friend and well **** it i dont care anymore.

Last week i saw her accidentaly in a restaurant with her friends and we started texting back/forth again me doing some C&F and C&Fs me back and ended with she saying "see you tomorrow honey"

the thing is she MUST have been very attacted at first to approach me in class make friends with me.then she mentions the boyfriend thing and yet were still seeing each other.
Iam confused accept her as a "Friend" or Go for it? Gimmi some help budds


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
You're in the zone man. Don't know what else to tell you. It might not be what you want to hear, but for now just shelve her, keep her as a wingwoman, style advisor, person to meet her single friends through, what have you.

One thing to remember, don't ever ask a girl you're trying to game about her relationship issues if she is seeing someone. This just makes you an emotional tampon. She dumps all her emotional sh1t on you. To every AFC (or chode as you call it) this seems like the right thing to do because "she knows I care about her bleah, bleah, bleah..." However, that is false. Instead she will have no interest in you. You're someone she has put all her problems into, each time she sees you, she'll remember those problems.

And welcome to the board! Be sure to check out the DJ Bible if you haven't done so already.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Why are you even asking her about "whats-his-name(her jerk boyfriend) for?

It is a show and tell situation, you MUST SHOW!! Stop asking questions and start doing.

I would invite her to go hang out, and make a physical move on her. That should tell you where you stand. Just make sure you don't start talking yourself out of a good thing.