new girl gets lots of attention from elsewhere


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
i met this new hb9 in barnes and noble a week ago. shes the inconspicous type that wears glasses and reads a LOT so most people dont realize how hot she is unless theyre paying close attention. anyways, we had a couple drinks last night and then went back to the bookstore to see the harry potter bonanza.

we definitely clicked, the conversation is great.

so this girl has a couple beers and then in the bookstore she starts holding my hand and getting all close. but from what she told me there are a couple guys who give her a lot of attention and groggle over her. some of the same ones even ask her to marry them constantly.

interesting... so at one point she goes to hold my hand and i pull away and then she says 'wow' as if she liked it. i think that when she hangs out with othe guys she sometimes holds their hands and does the same thing.

at the end of the night we were talking about going back to her place to watch x-files and she was like - ou're not going to get any.. and i'm like neither are you. it ended up being too late anyways to drive 40 mins to her place so we decided to chill another night.

this chic is almost 24 years old but i can see she's like a child in her mind.

one might say ust do the opposite of what she expects and what she is used to. well, if i want to hang out with her i cant ust not call her for example, and let her come to me. i have to initiate contact to some extent.

how to i get her to initiate contact? (of course by increasing her interest level) but how in this situation. its like performing a surgery. first i have to initiate and get her into me, and then i have to pull back i guess and let her come to me.

i want to take her out to cool places but i am cautious to spend money on her just yet.

i want to go out with her again. i like her even though she seems a little crazy. maybe i should run for the hills.

any general ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.




Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
I like how you pulled away when she tried to hold your hand that was genius... To have her initiate contact you have to create attraction... Try flirting with her more in a joking way... Teasing and touching are great ways to create attraction... If I were you I would invite her to lunch, hanging out at the bookstore isn't the greatest place to mack... Joke about her reading books all the time and stuff...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you need to have sex. Sex is the backbone of every relationship