New at this, need college advice


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
So new at college and I'm usually not a too social person. But i've been trying my best to be outgoing and introduce myself to new people, be the center of the group, ect, and I think I'm doing well. Since yesterday I have 3 new male friends and 4 girls numbers. Better than I've ever done, it's my first time being outgoing like this. Never did anything like this in high school, cause I was mostly in boarding schools.

I'm a bit drunk still, so stay with me if I'm rambling too much...

Anwyays, I am now the Alpha, I guess youd say, of around 7- 8 guys and I've gotten numbers successfully.

Well tonight I was hanging around the dorms and I am standing outside when this group of really hot girls goes by, and I'd met a couple of them before, but what happens is they invite us to this party.

So I get all my friends together and we go and when theyre all dressed and ready to go they bring this girl with them whose nickname is Legs, and she's an extremely hot dark haired girl. Probably a solid 9. I even though so when I first met her sober.

We all head to the party and I'm talking to Legs a bit as we go and when we get there, and I take a couple shots, and start getting sorta drunk, after a while. She takes a few drinks and like 5 minutes into the party is stupid drunk.


Well this is my first party and I'm like.. well whatever... Not sure what I should do with this now. And I just start talking to her and she does a bunch of **** touching me and putting her head on my leg when she laughs, ect. Obvious signals. I kino her with holding her around her waist, whatever and talk about boring **** as I don't really know what to talk about.

Well like 5 minutes into this and her queen bee friend sees us and ****blocks me so obviously even I can tell, by calling her friend over to do something and then talks to me about not taking advantage of her to which I'm like 'No' blah blah blah... i'm kind of sketched out at this pint.

I dont understand how that chick was drunk, but I think she was just a d!ktease as is revealed later...

I continue to kino the Legs chick anyways, get her number, which seems like a retard move since we're both drunk, and long story short after her friends try to ****block me again, I try to kiss her by isolating and using the 'Do you want to kiss me' line, which she replies 'Yes, but I am way too drunk and just got out of a relationship' blahblahblah which at that point I had other **** to do so I just left.

Also I might add she was telling me earlier after her friend ****blocked and I told her 'Your friend thinks I'm going to take advantage of you, what do you think' she says quote 'Im drunk enough I'd probably be down for anything, and I think your really cute but I just got out of a relationship, i've only been single a week'.

Going to the party too I realized she was being a bit of attention ***** by asking the group 'Am I too overdressed?' just to get attention from all my AFC friends as most were like 'Nonono, I think you look niiiice'!

Anyways, this seems long as **** but I'm just trying to learn here. Any advice about anything I could do better would be appreciated. Thanks.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Well, this post is either too frickin long, or theres nothing in it worth commenting on. Which works for me, lol.


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
go to college for a reason
to do good in school to land a good job obviously.
now forget the girls and pay attention to to COLLEGE
go party and don't worry about females san. make friends
enjoy life cause after college you got to find a job and work :woo:


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
You talk too much. That was your problem.

You spoke for 5 minutes with her draped all over you? Lame. Make it 30 seconds and then make out with her.

You asked if she wanted to kiss you? Dude who are you, David DeAngelo? Just kiss her.

You asked if she thought you were taking advantage? Duuuude don't ask that, it just puts the idea in her head.

"Im drunk enough I'd probably be down for anything"

See? She would have gone with it if you just made a damn move! Instead, you're making her think about it. Don't do that.

Good news is that you'll probably have lot's more chances. Game on!


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Don't be drunk when you are on the prowl. If you are just going to have fun...go ahead,but drunk,stupid and horny will get you into situations you'd rather skip.

As another poster said"you are there to get an education,so you can get a good job." DON'T forget that! Unemployment is at 18%....don't believe government statistics[politicians would never lie] This is a debt caused recession,not a business cycle recession...the difference is this one will last another 4 years,or longer-depends on what the government manages to screw up in the meantime.

Also, make sure your degree means something-engineering,finance,something that you need that piece of paper called the diploma to do. A history major/non-teaching degree will be rougher than toilet paper...but thats all it will be good for for the next 10 years