New Anxiety to my approach


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
I've practically faced and conquered my AA, your standard AA that everyone has but in doing so i've come face to face with a new Anxiety in its place

basically i think i may have approached nearly every girl in my city (ok not every single one but the ones that tickle my fancy)

if my approach does not go well with said girl , i instantly forget who or what they look like

i could literally approach them the next day without realising i have already approached them beforehand

this one girl i have approached over 10 times, she remembered me, infact my last approach with this girl she ran my routine before i could on her :crackup:

theres probably 20+ girls that i seem to always bump in to for some odd reason,

and this is where my Anxiety comes in, every time i begin to make an approach, i start to second guess as to wheather i have approached her before and its starting to really mess with my game


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
This is why routines suck. Stop using them and use observational openers, do some fluff talk, if you really love routines then use them after transtioning.


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
its not so much as the routine, but that i literally dont remember them, i dont dwell on those girl who i had a bad approach with and thats where the problem lies

girls who i have had bad approachs with should have a sign on there forehead, a red flag saying "approached already save your breath"


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
the problem with routines is that they are often easy to spot by girls you know about "game" - which is especially possible if you live in big cities (e.g. PU hotspots such as Leister Square in london...). for example when they hear an out of context opinion opener their "PUA alarm" goes off and your already out before you have a chance!

if you use more natural/situational openers (ie you think of on the spot for example ) they will just think you are a cool guy who has good chat when you see them again and again*

how do you not remember them? are u drinking lots when you are out?
- expnsive, bad for health, bad for game
* im not saying all canned lines/routines are bad at all - having some to use can be great , its just that lots of women are aware of PUA stuff nowadays, so u gotta be careful

also having good natural game (*cough*RSD*cough*) can be used for other areas of life - buddies, random people, small chat at work, business networking!