Never had a problem, and because of how busy I am that is the only way I can go out with a chick if she wants to see me again. If they say "something came up" I just respond "Ok, take care" and I always have them call back and say "never mind, I re-arranged things and we are still on." Then I go "Ok, see you then." Sometimes people really do have things come up, so I let it slip once. The key I have found for anything that has to do with a woman, is treat her with indifference, and I mean real indifference, not pretending. Really have too much going on so that you really don't give a fock if she cancels, just fill it in with another plate or activity that day. As soon as you do, they for some reason are like clay in your hands and you will start getting so much pu-tang thrown at you it's not even funny, seriously. Genuinely don't give a fock, once you can master this you will be on your way. I'm not saying to be a d!ck, indifference is the key word. Women are wacky.