Neutralizing The c0ck-block

Crown Champion

Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
You know them. You hate them. They're the uglier friend that refuses to let her friends have willing, consentual sex with them. Are they bitter? Jealous? Drunk? Or just plain evil and want to ruin a few nights in a desperate bid for attention?

How do you neutralize this threat?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
you have to remove the girl from her friends so there is nobody to ****-block. If a chick wants to ****block she will. If the friends are cool bring em along

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
this is something the girl needs to deal with, not you. Leave her alone, either she will do what her co-block wants her to, or she will get mad at her and come back for you. But it's not your game. Not worth fussing over.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score

What I'm about to tell you may not be the silver bullet. Once there was this girl that had some doubts about getting close to me, it was on campus and I liked her. One day I see her with her friend and talked to her friend also. Since the friend and I got along well, that girl I liked just opened up.

I was friends with a self-proclaimed "mother hen". She was very overweight with an attitude. Turns out she had a thing for me (lol). Anyway getting to the point: her friend got into a relationship after she had a long long talk with her potential bf. She didnt tell me what he told her but she did say that he would take good care of her.

By contrast, the other friend of the mother-hen was in what she would call an abusive relationship and the friend was absolutely convinced that he was the one for her and mother-hen kept out of it.

At the end of the day do you want mother-hen looking over your shoulder as a pre-nuptial mother-in-law? Are you ok with being with a chick who takes orders from the group?

I went out with a group pawn and it is not pretty to say the least along with taking orders from her mother. If I only listened to two of my friends who were actually looking out for me for my well-being when it came to that relationship (and how right they were, years ahead of their time - bless them) instead of siding with her to think that my friends who were looking out for me were jealous. This happened in early high school.