needing to vent


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
So I haven't really been on here for awhile. Long story short, I've been seeing my GF of 2 years on and off. We took a 3 - 4 month break this summer and had our fun with others. We didn't really talk at all.

Come September, I saw her out at a club and the rest was history. My game was sky high and we hit off. Didn't fight for a month or two. Basically got back together, but told others we were still 'single'.

The past 2 weeks we've been fighting a lot, about stupid sh!t. So 2 days ago she tells me that she wants space, but she doesn't want to lose me. So I say-- OKAY. I will give you space, but when you come back just know that I'll have deflowered many women and I probably won't want you anymore. She cracked and start confessing that she loves me and that she just hates fighting and wanted a break from it. She comes over to my place, gives me a sexy show and makes me breakfast.

Last night a bunch of our friends went to the club. There were a lot of girls I knew there, so I was talking to a lot of them. I was also talking to her, but not as much since she was with her friends. Come 2AM everyone is leaving, I call her. No answer. I try once more, no go.

In my 2 years of seeing this girl she has never not responded to my calls after going out. Even if it's 5AM.

Come to find, she was at some dudes place. When I heard who it was, I couldn't imagine this dude not being a virgin. She claims she just slept there cause she didn't want to fight with me, but it's all too obvious that she probably did things.

A real slap in the face on a holiday where you're supposed to have fun. Sadly enough, some of her friends want to get f*cked and I think I may have to go through with it. Women are pathological liars.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
blackhatter said:
So I haven't really been on here for awhile. Long story short, I've been seeing my GF of 2 years on and off. We took a 3 - 4 month break this summer and had our fun with others. We didn't really talk at all.

It was officially over when you went on this 3-4 month break..... you should've emotionally de-attached yourself from this chick then and just used her for sex if she came running back.

Come September, I saw her out at a club and the rest was history. My game was sky high and we hit off. Didn't fight for a month or two. Basically got back together, but told others we were still 'single'.

Got back together but told others you were both single....hmmm that's interesting. Well you obviously shouldn't be surprised when your "single" gf goes out with another guy..

The past 2 weeks we've been fighting a lot, about stupid sh!t. So 2 days ago she tells me that she wants space, but she doesn't want to lose me. So I say-- OKAY. I will give you space, but when you come back just know that I'll have deflowered many women and I probably won't want you anymore. She cracked and start confessing that she loves me and that she just hates fighting and wanted a break from it. She comes over to my place, gives me a sexy show and makes me breakfast.

Dumb move telling her you were going to fuvk other women... shows emotional immaturity. She'll never trust you after this and will definitely play your own game on you now... When she said she wanted a "break" you should've read the writing on the wall and DISAPPEARED AGAIN!! This girl is only good for one thing and you can't treat her differently unless you enjoy getting burned..

Last night a bunch of our friends went to the club. There were a lot of girls I knew there, so I was talking to a lot of them. I was also talking to her, but not as much since she was with her friends. Come 2AM everyone is leaving, I call her. No answer. I try once more, no go.

Why are you calling her??? Call one of the other 'hos you have in your do have other girls right??

In my 2 years of seeing this girl she has never not responded to my calls after going out. Even if it's 5AM.

That was before when she respected you. Now your under her frame and she knows she has you. You can think that you run the show all you want, but the simple fact is she has manipulated you into her little game and you fell for it.

Come to find, she was at some dudes place. When I heard who it was, I couldn't imagine this dude not being a virgin. She claims she just slept there cause she didn't want to fight with me, but it's all too obvious that she probably did things.

Of course she did, she didn't go there for a pillow and a blanket, she went there to hook up.

A real slap in the face on a holiday where you're supposed to have fun. Sadly enough, some of her friends want to get f*cked and I think I may have to go through with it. Women are pathological liars.

Honestly dude, this is all on you. She gave you all the classic warning signs that this was coming, but you ignored them and went along with her little song and dance. You reap what you sow, now move on and stop talking to this dumb byatch....she'll only bring you down. Unless you like drama, I'd stay away from her friends, go meet some new slvts and let the fun begin..

^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
you're acting like a player when she's trying to treat you like a boyfriend. stop being a jerk