Well here are some valuable tips:
1. Keep it between 8 to 15 minutes.(15 if she is really doing most of the talking.
2. Sound friendly and calm. People get nervous when making first time phone calls, so they act defensive, give abrupt answers and sound like they lack confidence.
3. Get to the point. She already knows why your calling just tell her what you want.(I.E. Doing something together. And not making the headboard break, that will come later.)
4. Wait at least 4 to 5 days to call after you have recieved her phone number and 3 to 7 days after your first date to call.
If your still not feeling confident here's a mock dialouge you can read to give you ideas for how to make the initial phone call go well.
You: "Hey is, so-and-so there."
Girl: "Yeah, its me, who is this."
You: "Its <your name,> we meet a couple of days ago briefly and we agreed that I should give you a call sometime.
Girl: "Oh, right. So what's up?"
You: "Well, I just caught some free time in my busy schedule, and was wondering if you would like to go to (Dinner/Bowling/Putt-Putt/Movies/Coffee House/Bar/Club) and hang out." (If you want to "chat," then the coffee house is your best bet, because its short, and there you can establish a common ground for future get togethers.)
Girl: <Her response.> If she says "No," or "Maybe some other time with out offering to reschedule or counter-offering an activity then you just have to NEXT her.
Well there it is. Good Luck.
-Grey Fox