Master Don Juan
I know I said that I will not post anymore asking for help but I just had to post this one. Because I beleive that after this post and reading the answers to it will help me tremendously in life and future events. Its not about girls, its about DISRESPECT and guys who think they have more power than me..... so please don't skip parts of this post and read everything....
I have analyzed my problem to the point that now I know exactly what questions to ask...... so here is my situation.....
I was about to fight yesterday.
I was about to fight this kid who has been calling me names and disrespecting me a few times in the past 2 weeks. I wouldn't care if he disrespected me while we were alone but that simply is never the case. When the bell rings to get out of school this kid screams out disrespecting words across the courtyard so that the 30 of my classmates and other people outside could hear it.
He screams out "that kid Boricua is a b1tch!" or "Boricua is gay!" I dont take these things personal on any level but it still pisses me off because its just blatant DISRESPECT!
He not only calls me names, but he just blatantly disrespects me and tries to put me down when we are in a conversation in front of other people.
I am not a clown and I don't like to be put down in front of other people so they can all watch and think "hmmm, boricua is his b1tch because he disses him and he doesn't doesn't do anything about it, therefore he has more power than boricua!"
He doesn't hate me, he just thinks he has more power than me.
He doesn't do it to anyone else either. Unless he thinks he has more power than the person.
So yesterday when he was walking with his freinds and I was in front of him he said "that kid Boricua is a b1tch!" he said it out loud so I can hear him. I stopped and went up to him and got up all in his grill, looked him in the eye with a fierce look, and clenched my fist ready to knock his lights out. Right then I said to him "listen Im tired of you disrespecting me, I wont take no more of this sh*t! its disrespect! Say sorry!"..........."but I was just jokeing (thats what they all say)"........." yea right say sorry mutherfuker".......... "DUDE! MY BAD MAN"....."alrite"
I held my look a little longer and then I walked away.
I should have also said "disrespect me again alone or in front of anybody and see what happens" to warn him but I completely forgot about the warning. But if he does it again I'll have to knock him out.
Its not good to be seen taking disrespect and not doing anything about it.
He is not the only person that has done this to me, and I have gotten into many fights with people that disrespect me like that.
They think they have more power and try to flaunt it by putting other people down.
And I can't take that sh*t!
Why do these people think they have more power than me?
Is there any other way to make someone like this stop disrespecting me without having to warn him about physical agressive consequences or just plainly fvck him up without warning?
How would you "Master Don Juans" control situations where another guy is trying to put you down with disrespect, in front of people or not in front of people?
Give me some tips on how to deal with these types of people.
I have analyzed my problem to the point that now I know exactly what questions to ask...... so here is my situation.....
I was about to fight yesterday.
I was about to fight this kid who has been calling me names and disrespecting me a few times in the past 2 weeks. I wouldn't care if he disrespected me while we were alone but that simply is never the case. When the bell rings to get out of school this kid screams out disrespecting words across the courtyard so that the 30 of my classmates and other people outside could hear it.
He screams out "that kid Boricua is a b1tch!" or "Boricua is gay!" I dont take these things personal on any level but it still pisses me off because its just blatant DISRESPECT!
He not only calls me names, but he just blatantly disrespects me and tries to put me down when we are in a conversation in front of other people.
I am not a clown and I don't like to be put down in front of other people so they can all watch and think "hmmm, boricua is his b1tch because he disses him and he doesn't doesn't do anything about it, therefore he has more power than boricua!"
He doesn't hate me, he just thinks he has more power than me.
He doesn't do it to anyone else either. Unless he thinks he has more power than the person.
So yesterday when he was walking with his freinds and I was in front of him he said "that kid Boricua is a b1tch!" he said it out loud so I can hear him. I stopped and went up to him and got up all in his grill, looked him in the eye with a fierce look, and clenched my fist ready to knock his lights out. Right then I said to him "listen Im tired of you disrespecting me, I wont take no more of this sh*t! its disrespect! Say sorry!"..........."but I was just jokeing (thats what they all say)"........." yea right say sorry mutherfuker".......... "DUDE! MY BAD MAN"....."alrite"
I held my look a little longer and then I walked away.
I should have also said "disrespect me again alone or in front of anybody and see what happens" to warn him but I completely forgot about the warning. But if he does it again I'll have to knock him out.
Its not good to be seen taking disrespect and not doing anything about it.
He is not the only person that has done this to me, and I have gotten into many fights with people that disrespect me like that.
They think they have more power and try to flaunt it by putting other people down.
And I can't take that sh*t!
Why do these people think they have more power than me?
Is there any other way to make someone like this stop disrespecting me without having to warn him about physical agressive consequences or just plainly fvck him up without warning?
How would you "Master Don Juans" control situations where another guy is trying to put you down with disrespect, in front of people or not in front of people?
Give me some tips on how to deal with these types of people.
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