Need some good Advise


New Member
Jan 28, 2004
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hey guys im new here but thought i would try it out. I need some good advise on how to hook this great girl, so here is the story...

I have been friends with Ashley for over a year now. I would consiter our friendship to be pretty close, consitering that we both know everything about eachother and we are totally comfterble around eachother, anyways. Over this last summer I found myself having strong feelings for her. Actually she was liking me at this point also, but nothing ever happened because of the risk of losing the friendship. well, after a while it all blew over and she lost total intrest in me (other than our friendship). But, my intrest didnt go away, not at all, it actually got worse. After a few months, i found myself getting extrmeely jealous of her, over everything. the jealousy got soo bad i actually tried to stop talkking to her for a while, but that didnt work because i couldnt stand not being around her. anyways to this day i still have the relationship talk with her sometimes, about whay would happen if we were together and stuff. All that happend there is that she gets mad and she doesnt talk??? so, on last friday night something hapened, i finally kissed her, after a year of wanting to do it, i just went for it. and it was perfect (in my mind), not so much in hers. well it all happened in my house, we were all wrestleing around and i tackled her onto the stairs, she said
" you better get off of me or ill end up kissing you." and i said
"well would that be a bad thing?" then she replied
"well i dont want to hurt you anymore, so i cant."
" then i said" then don't." right after that i went for the kiss, it was great too. anyways, scince then i have talked about this with her. her opinion was that it was just a drunk kiss (we had been drinking) and that if she hadnt been drinking then it would have never happened. this remark made me feel like dirt. but i made a point to say that i would have done it at any moment, and that i have wanted to kiss her for a long time.
so, the story now is that for the last two nights, my best friend has been over at my house, and so has ashley. and its almost like ashley makes a point to flirt with him. I know that she thinks he is extremely hot, every other girl does, but still she shouldnt make it a point to flirt right in front of me. she knows it pissed me off, is there a reason for this????
Well my actual question is how can i get this girl to be mine? i am not worried about ruining the friendship because i feel like it is already ruined in a way. I just want her to be mine, she is perfect in every way for me.
any tips?:confused:
Jun 12, 2003
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Ok, Ok, ...OK. Dude, you really really have one-itis. Sounds like youre a newbie so i'll explain what that is. One-itis is complete infatuation/obsession with someone and it makes every other chick look like crap compared to the chick you have one-itis for. You have one-itis buddy. Ok, this is a BAD thing taking she already has placed you in the friends zone. Youre screwed. face it. Unless you are completely in love with this chick, there is no point in "changing" her perspective of you. Its just too risky, difficult, stressful, and a big ass waist of time. You'll be better off with someone else that actually likes you and is attracted to you. I'm not gonna tell you to read the bible cause thats what everyone will prolly tell you. But you really need to work on your DJ persona.

Heres the plan:

Forget the girl
forget all girls period
research sosuave like its water
dont look back at your past girl-problems
rethink your priorites

After you do all this, (essentially) you'll be on the road to true DJ and true happiness. Just stop all communication with the girl. Believe me. It's not worth it dude.


New Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Originally posted by downfallofdisbelief
Just stop all communication with the girl. Believe me. It's not worth it dude.
Thank you for that. I needed some reassurance ans someone elses opinion on this, I will give your advice a try!

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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Texas, USA
This girl told you POINT BLANK that she didn't like you. She told you POINT BLANK that you were only going to be a "friend" to her.

Forget about her. Period. Don't even try to be "just friends" because she will NOT see you as a friend.....she'll just see you as the "cluless bastard that's hanging on to her who needs to get a life."
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Never be friends with a chick!!!!! Especially if you are attracted to them!!! Pursue women only romantically, and not because you just want to smell their hair and grovel at their feet! Above else keep your dignity - women respect men that have dignity and men who do not wallow in their rejection. Not every woman you want is going to like you - thats the way it is, get over it!! Move on to your next victim, I mean next target!

Women don't like men who like them too much to the point of infactuation - this is afc!!

DJ Alejandro

Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2001
Reaction score
Southern Philippines
take advantage of the situation. next her for now but not totally. maybe you can use her for social proof or sumthn. she has HOT girlfriends, ryt?

hot girls know hot girls. =)