Need Some Dating Advice - Where to go on a date


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
So there's this cute girl in my school who i've been chatting with and kinoing for about 3 weeks. Anyways I feel it's time to make a move and try to hang out with her and see where things go. So the only problem with hanging out with her is - she lives in Brookyln and I live on Staten Island, and for those of you who don't know it's about 1 1/2 hours by bus. So if we hang out, either she has to come all the way over here, or i have to go all the way over there. Besides that, I don't know where to go with her - I'm thinking the mall, but "hey come all the way over here so we can hang out at the mall" seems a bit far fetched. Any advice on this matter would be seriously appreciated, i'm trying to get out of being an afc and I think I have a good chance with this girl.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
my number 1 suggestion. get a car.

other than that go skating. even if you or she dont know how. if you dont you can get her to teach you and use it as an excuse to hold on to her... for balance of course. or vice versa.

or go to manhattan. tons to do there. check out the met. did you know that its actually a free museum. if you go to the desk and give them a few bucks and tell them that is you donation they will admit you. but yea, skating or manhattan. you live in a big city man, theres tons to do


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
arrange a date to meet with her. don't mention any traveling problems man up and take the ride if u do want to chill wit her. When u get there just find any place to go. it doesn't really matter at your age, as long as you have the balls to lead her and take charge you should be fine.