Need Some Advice


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Appreciate all the great posts and advice, need some advice on my own.

I'm married and I cheated last November. The chick was from work, unbelievable piece of ass. Single mother, whose former boyfriend was like 15 years older than her.

We hit off great, just talking about stuff at work. Later I found out that she picks up just about everyone at work.

She invites me over to her house one day. We have some unbelievable sex. She thinks that I am single.

One day she calls the house and my wife hands me the phone. This chick is all pissed. I leave the house all pale and get her on the cell.

She is pissed off and threatens to spill the beans of this one week fling. I get all nervous and she says that she will keep her silence for $5000. I'm thinking, how do I come up with that?

So while I'm still on the phone she calls my home with her cell phone and spills the beans!! I rush home my wife is pissed and sad.

Things at home get resolved. I don't talk or see the chick. Three weeks later I get an email "wassup?" and "When are you working?" She's all talking about when am I going to come work again or come by the house.

I find out more things about her. Usual troubled past. Likes to juggle guys and have a few around to play with. Likes to have one or two long distance relationships. Meanwhile "falls in love" with me. Maybe because of my financial situation or because of my personality or the great sex. Talks all of the time about imagining us married, etc.

Has some partners that she loves and leaves and maybe 1 or 2 steadies.

The other day she mentions that we haven't had sex for 3 weeks. She worries that I am getting some, somewhere else. She worries that I'll never leave my wife. She gets all fired up when we are alone but then stops short of sex. She states that she thinks I am worried about ending things with her cause she might try to get back at me. She says that she wouldn't do that, though. She gets all tearful with the prospect of me leaving her and can't imagine being without me. She freaks when she doesn't hear from me, ie email or phonecalls. She states that she would never rat me out again.

I don't know what to do.

I keep wanting to leave her.

The pros unbelievable sex (when I can get some) and that is it.

The cons I'm cheating on my wife, she would probably go psycho on me if I break it off, and I like having her around. She has a really checkered past, sometimes ****s for the hell of it with strangers. And lately can't get up the muster to **** me (cause her psych meds, supposedly) but when some out of town "BF" comes around she ****s him. She is big time with KINO loves to grab my ass and package, tells me that she's my girl, etc.

How do I tell her I don't dig her disrespect? She fires back, "you're married" if I ever do. How do I end this?

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
My best advice is to decide if you love your wife. If you do, you start looking for another job and do whatever you can to make up for your...indiscretion.

This chick from work tried to blackmail you. She's either a psycho or a gold-digging b*tch. Why even talk with her? Just for some good sex? Since you're married, you ought to know that good sex isn't that hard to find. Sounds like this chick keeps a stable of guys on the ready. This increases your rick of disease and loss of yyour reputation. Society tends to frown on a cheater.

Even if you weren't married, I'd still tell you to stay away from this girl, because she's coming off like an unstable *****. (not that there's anything wrong with a chick who loves sex, but that many partners suggest some other issues at work. )

Since you are married, I'm advising that you start kissing your wife's booty and hope she forgives you.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Canada, Near TO
Dude, you're an idiot.

Stop seing this poison b****. Treat the mother of your children better.

At least get a divorce before you decide to start shacking up with some chick who's probably going to be the end of you.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ

I need to stop thinking with my ****.

The only problem is how to make a smooth transition ie no bunny rabbits in the stew pot or pissed of chicks confronting the wife.

Any advice? Fade away slowly, be too busy?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Did you say your wife has a 'checkered' past and screws other guys??

I think you are going to get this pyscho nympho hor pregnant!

Cut it off cold turkey before you get a baby, a disease, and a divorce with alimony and child support payments. You like trouble and you are going to get what you asked for!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
How did she get your phone number?


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
Originally posted by Hubris
Dude, you're an idiot.

Stop seing this poison b****. Treat the mother of your children better.

At least get a divorce before you decide to start shacking up with some chick who's probably going to be the end of you.
I could've gone off and told you exactly what's what, but Hubris said more in those sixteen words than I could in four hundred lines of verbiage.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Still Paging Me?!?!!!

I fell off the face of the earth from this chick.

To answer your older question PRL I don't know how to this day she got my home number.

A quick easy way to get an unlisted number, list it under your wife's maiden name.

Anyways she sent a few emails that I never returned. She paged a few times.

Finally after no contact for over a week I called her cause I am still worried that she will try to pull some psycho crap.

She wondered what I was up to. I said I have been busy with work. She tried to use me as an emotional tampon to ***** about some LD relationship.

She thought that this "time out" was how I was going to end things.

I am ready to cut off all contact and have even changed jobs, but I am still worried about her pulling some psychotic BS.

Any suggestions?