Need quick reply to HB


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
couple weeks ago, some hot chick in a junior english class that i t.a. in asked me to give her extra credit. i basically said "ill think about it" then i forgot. today, a another, hotter chick comes up to me(hot enough for me to post anyways), and something along these lines happens:

HB is w/ her friends and me and my bud stop to chat. then HB comes up real close to me (IOI?)

HB: hey, you enter grades and stuff into the computer, right?
Me: yeah, why do you ask?
HB: well, do you think you could add some points to my grade to like, get me up to an A?
Me: hmmm... i don't know...
-My bud who actually knows her says to me in front of her:"what confuses me is why shes asking you instead of me"-
HB continues: like, it doesn't have to be that many... just a few....
Me: well... whats in it for me?
HB pauses and says: well, i can give you a candy bar tommorow
Me (in shock): hmm, i dont know
i start to walk away, then put my hand on her shoulder and say with a smile: well, tell you what, ill think about it and let you know tommorrow, ok?
HB: yeah, sounds good

Anyways, i know if i just gave her the points she would be using me (which my friend would of done if she asked him!) and since i am not letting people walk on me anymore i wouldnt give in to some chick who might not even be interested. Plus that is a dumb whorie thing to do on her part.

So my idea is to either tell her, "i thought about it, and i wouldnt do that behind mrs. teacher's back, especially to someone i dont know, even if she is cute." or "im not going to do that, but i could help you with hw."
I think its an alright response but im asking you guys to come up with a better one.

Basically, how can i turn this into a way for her to find out what a fvcking awesome dude i am?


New Member
Nov 14, 2007
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Say that you are still contemplating the issue, and you are yet to find a good enough reason for you to give her the credits... (Or whatever she wants you to do)
A playful neg might do wonders...

Mr Plow

Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
A small shack in the middle of nowhere.
"i thought about it, and i wouldnt do that behind mrs. teacher's back, especially to someone i dont know, even if she is cute." or "im not going to do that, but i could help you with hw."

No, just say that you wanted something a little better than a candy bar, and see what she ends up with.