Had the coffee date with the Thai lady this evening. It was the weirdest date I've ever been on! lol Mostly because her approach was like... all over the place and didn't make much sense. On the one hand, she told me more than once that she didn't really like it in Montreal (mostly because she doesn't have any friends here, and also the cultural differences), missed Bankok, and wanted to go back. But on the other hand, she was asking me alot of
very personal questions. Which made her look like she was qualifying me as potential marriage material. During our convo, I got her talking about Bankok a lot. She confirmed that she was going back in December. Since I mentioned that I liked travelling, and was interested in Thailand, she asked me if I'd like to accompany her when she went back! Huh!?! That caught me a bit off guard, her making an offer like that to a guy she'd been talking to for 20 minutes, when she seems the overly cautious type. I replied, a bit surprised, that December was a little too soon for me, as I wasn't planning on doing any travelling in the near future. Then she mentions that I could meet a lot of sexy Thai women over there (while she did an hour-glass gesture to me). That
really caught me off guard. I interpreted it as a test; she was trying to see if I'm a player. I replied that when I travel, it's for the cultural aspect. Though I think my tone of voice showed that I was off guard from that remark. She was really hard to follow. Sometimes she was friendly and laughed at my jokes and teasing. Other times, she became stand-offish and almost paranoïd.
I found out that she was actually born and grew up in the Philipines, and had moved to Bankok a few years ago. Which reminds me that when I arrived (she got there early), I gave her the typical Canadian hug and kiss on cheeks greeting. She told me a little later that was scary to her, as Asian's never do that with a stranger, only shake hands. That's the stuff I would have liked to know about, when I originally started this thread.

Anyways, it didn't seem to have spooked her too much, since she was fairly friendly most of the time after that. Doing any kino on her was out of the question. At one point, I showed her she had a small piece of paper stuck to her hand, and as soon as I touched her, she pulled it back swiftly and nervously. How are you supposed to kino a non-westernized Asian woman?
I got the general feeling that she's dating mostly out of loneliness and boredom. Is that what people here mean by a "professional dater"? Though all those very personal questions she asked give a completely different feel...
The other really weird thing that came out, was her current living situation. She is renting the top floor of a duplex, from a Canadian family (Scottish/Irish ancestry). She told me that they are very pretective with her, and usually the woman from this family (Melissa) always accompanies her on first dates as a safety precaution. This was the first time she'd met a guy alone. I told her this was extremely unusual, as chaperones went out of style here in the 1950's. Especially considering that she's 41. She agreed that it's weird, but said that's the way the are...
My feeling was to Next her. I know I could use the dating experience. But I don't think anything more than dating would ever come of this. I doubt I'd ever get any sex from her. Especially since I can't see how I could initiate any type of physical contact without spooking her... That just seems like a conundrum with native Asian women. How can a guy incite one to want to get physical? And this whole chaperone scenario just seems too weird to be possible... Just a strange thought that crossed my mind; could she actually be prospecting for her friend, Melissa? Or maybe just trying to scare me off... Here's how our conversation ended:
Her: "You can call me if you like. Maybe we could go for dinner." (That made an alarm go off in my head, she's looking for a free dinner?)
Me: "Or maybe dancing, that would be fun." (She'd mentioned she loves dancing in our convo)
Her: "Yes. But Melissa would come of course."
Me: "Does that mean that I would have to dance with both of you?"
Her (laughing): "No. She's just a chaperone."
I waved goodbye and left.
How's that for a Twilight Zone date?

I'm not sure what to make of it. The only angle that I would think is reasonable (
if I decided to call her again), would be to tell her that I'd be willing to meet the family she lives with. i.e. pick her up at her place, and introduce myself. But I don't want Melissa along on the date. What do you guys think? Is that a good way to find out what she's about? Do you think I could gain any useful experience by seeing her again?