Need of advice for kino!


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Hey guys,

It's been a LONG time since I returned, and frankly I forgot my password for my old account, so here i am posting as a noob.

Anyway, my general idea on approaching, dating, and maintaining relationships has been intact, but I've recently come across a stumbleblock that's leaving me second guessing the methods I've learned here many years ago: Kino!

Alright, so this girl I'm into right now, she lives in arizona (quick background story: we met in LA long time ago, she came down for a while, i became close to her, but she took some guy as a bf to not come off as mean, went through high school and now shes been available, and we recently got back in touch) and she's coming to Los Angeles for college, which means she's most definitely more available for me to take her out! On top of that, I get a real good vibe from her, she laughs at all my dumb jokes, she responds well to my kino, etc. Good news right?

She came down several weeks back, but couldn't do much other than take her out to lunch and jamba juice after (i bought the food, but she offered to pay, and, despite being a first (in a long time) date, that alone says a lot to me about how she will be in the future dates to come). I gave her a good amount of kino, such as putting my arm around her after poking fun at her, but that was a while back. I don't know if she's going to be in LA this upcoming week or the next, and next week shes got some kind of orientation for school, and I'll definitely do my part to see if she's down here before 2 weeks from now (when she officially comes down).

So here's my question after a long introduction:
How much kino should I be doing during a movie?

We're going to watch a scary movie (yeah yeah, not enough action on a movie date, right?) and she told me she screams and jumps a LOT during scary movies, and, adapting to the situation, I suggested we watch Halloween (the prelude to the Halloween series being advertised lately) when it comes out, and she was game. Would you fellow DJ's agree with me when I say that this is the opportune plan for me to put arm around her and keep her warm company, you know, to let her feel secure while watching scary stuff on the big screens:rock:

And also, what's a good way of easing into the arm around shoulder? And what's a good way you DJ's reacted if she rejects the move?

Thanks in advance you guys,
and it feels good to post here again!


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Haha yes, I'm steadily getting what you guys are saying.

However, the time between me and meeting with her is quite a ways from now, so would it matter if I talk to her, whether it's texting, phone calls, or instant messaging, often or should I kinda vanish for a bit and do my own thing and if she contacts me or I contact her occasionally, I make it worthwhile and fun or some sh*t like that?

Thanks again for the help