Need More Opinions...


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Ive been on this site for a few years though its been awhile and I forgot my old info so now Ive got a new account.
Anyways me and my current gf are both in the military and have know each other for about 2-3 years, though we've only been a couple for a few months.
Well tomorrow she comes back from a 6 month deployment and Im in town for a few weeks before I leave for a tour in Korea. I was thinking about wearing my dress uniform and bringing flowers(not sure what kind to get tho) for when I meet her as soon as they all get back and she gets off the plane.
So my question is do you guys think the dress uniform will be too much or? Its an USAF base but I switched to the Army so Im definitely going to stand out tho it may be in a good way. Input on the uniform and what kind of flowers to get would be greatly appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
You say you've been here for a while, but based off this post I'm wondering if you've learned anything. Asking about what type of flowers are best to get her just sends out emergency klaxons. Don't ever try to justify yourself to her, this includes getting her gifts.

Don't buy flowers/gifts, don't dress ritzy, and don't let her know that you appreciate her/love her/have missed her so much this past few weeks (or however long), or anything of the sort. Have fun conversation and dinner and then bang her great. Don't get too emotionally attached or needy, and be damn sure you don't display that sort of behavior to her.

Don't even try for a long-distance relationship, do her for the few weeks you're here and then forget about her, because no doubt she'll find someone else when you're gone, regardless of whether you do or not.


Don Juan
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
no comment on what to wear and to flowers to give, the only thing is, are ready to enter in a long distance relationship? If you are, then go with plan wear best dress uniform and stay faithful during your entire relationship without on her side.