Need help with routine/Home training!


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Body Status: 170 lbs 5'9 16-20% body fat

1.Workout 3 times of weeks
2.Do cardio in the morning for 30-45min 4-5 days a WK.
3.lose at least 5% bodyfat or more in 3 months.
Long term goals 1-2 yrs:
1.I would like to look like wolverine.
2.Six pack abs.
3.lifetime is to develop a healthy lifestyle.

I choose option B from the vault,but since i decided not to go to the gym
any more due to being laid off from work (no money) for the rest of the of the year i invested in some weigths,from my savings,so i can start a home gym,but i dont have all the tools yet to fully perform all the exercises in option b and need help,with what i have so far and need advice on what i been doing.

Tools:eek:lympic bench with olympic barbel included with 300lbs and also got a squat rack,dip bar and pullup bar.

So far what i been doing:

Squats 5 sets of 7 reps of 135 lbs
Pullups 5 sets of 5 reps bodyweight

Cardio 30-45 min

Incline Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps 135 pounds 1st 2 sets then 155lbs last 3 sets.
Dips 5 sets of 7 reps

Cardio 30-45 min

Deadlift 5 sets of 10 reps
Chin ups 5 sets of 7 reps

Saturday and Sunday=Rest

Mostly tuna sandwiches
Beef at lunch time
protein shakes
1 gallon water

Well guys i just need your help,advice on my routine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Switch to option A, you have everything you need for that routine. It is a superior program anyway. Also the link takes you to a bastardized version of the real program, do power cleans instead of rows and get the Starting Strength book.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
How would you rate your fitness level right now?

Also, write out a typical days eating and include portion sizes. It helps to know your metabolism and needs.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score

Kerpal yes sir ill try Option A,and get myself a copy of starting strenght.Quiksilver i would rate my fitness level beginner or from 1-10 a 2.I havent really stuck with anything so far to see any results.I dont have much knowledge in food or calories.This is what is mostly eat.
Monday through Friday.I eat 3 meals a day with that consist of tuna or beef. On workout day i drink protein shakes those 3 1 gallon of water a day.

Express Beef Intake:
Hot dogs
Tacos with onions,tomatoe,avocado.

Tuna Intake:
Tuna sandwich with onions,tomatoe,avocado,and little bit of mayo.

Snacks i aint going to lie but sometimes i cheat at this and eat maybe a cupcake or 3 a week and 1-3 sodas.On saturdays and sundays i sometimes go out with my friends and eat junk food and a couple of beers.And i try to keep the no eating after 8 rule but i break it all the time wether im hungry or not.

Let me know if you want me to be more specific,but i really dont get that fancy with meals,so i eat a lot of tuna.Chicken i rarely eat.Need help with food plan any ideas will be appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Since your fitness is pretty poor I'd recommend NOT starting a strength program yet. Lifting weights is fine but stick to high reps (10-20) for a few weeks. Get in the gym every day, twice a day if you have time. Go for runs, go for fast walks, go to the track and run some 100m sprints, go swimming, buy a skipping rope and skip, play sports, etc.

Strength training doesn't work like it's supposed to unless your work capacity/conditioning is at a respectable level, so working on that is your first priority.

I've been a little vague about how to do that, but a good guideline is to work up a sweat for 30-90 minutes each day, 6 days a week. How you work up that sweat is up to you, but there's some good ideas in the first paragraph.

The bodyfat you have WILL come off doing this, faster even than if you just start into a strength program.

Keep using the barbell as well, throw on a random amount of weight and lift it for as many reps as you can. Be creative and have fun with it.

So yeah:

1) Spend 3-6 weeks raising your activity levels, working up a sweat, getting your heart rate up, working your muscles, etc.
2) 30-90 minutes per day, 6 days a week
3) Eat when you're hungry.

I sent you an email about an eating plan.


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Working out at home might be an idea. I am now living by myself so i could possibly set up the spare room as a home gym. :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Quiksilver said:
Since your fitness is pretty poor I'd recommend NOT starting a strength program yet. Lifting weights is fine but stick to high reps (10-20) for a few weeks. Get in the gym every day, twice a day if you have time. Go for runs, go for fast walks, go to the track and run some 100m sprints, go swimming, buy a skipping rope and skip, play sports, etc.

Strength training doesn't work like it's supposed to unless your work capacity/conditioning is at a respectable level, so working on that is your first priority.
I have to disagree with you here. On a beginner's strength training program, like Rippetoe's or Stronglifts 5x5, you will start with a very low weight or just the bar. This will allow you to get into the groove and improve your cardiovascular fitness slowly until you'll be able to take on heavier weights.

Also Strength training does wonders for your fitness, you'll find that your body begins to run like a well oiled machine after only a few months in.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Romeo1 said:
Kerpal yes sir ill try Option A,and get myself a copy of starting strenght.Quiksilver i would rate my fitness level beginner or from 1-10 a 2.I havent really stuck with anything so far to see any results.I dont have much knowledge in food or calories.This is what is mostly eat.
Monday through Friday.I eat 3 meals a day with that consist of tuna or beef. On workout day i drink protein shakes those 3 1 gallon of water a day.

Express Beef Intake:
Hot dogs
Tacos with onions,tomatoe,avocado.

Tuna Intake:
Tuna sandwich with onions,tomatoe,avocado,and little bit of mayo.

Snacks i aint going to lie but sometimes i cheat at this and eat maybe a cupcake or 3 a week and 1-3 sodas.On saturdays and sundays i sometimes go out with my friends and eat junk food and a couple of beers.And i try to keep the no eating after 8 rule but i break it all the time wether im hungry or not.

Let me know if you want me to be more specific,but i really dont get that fancy with meals,so i eat a lot of tuna.Chicken i rarely eat.Need help with food plan any ideas will be appreciated.
Check out simple starting diet in the vault