need help with "needs space"


New Member
May 25, 2008
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Thought I would include this first then elaborate

Did anyone here recover from a failed test, where she told you her feelings had changed?

I recently failed a test and want to apply some damage control to repair things.

Nothing you can do except completely cut off all contact with her.

We tell guys this all the time, they don't listen, the girl gets tired of the guy being around trying to work out "damage control" calls him a creepy psycho, threatens police action and then we inevitably get the post...

"Wow, you guys were right, no contact is the way to go".

So go no contact and in the meantime game other chicks and if the one you want never comes back to you she wasn't worth a damn anyway for your life.

I have been going out with this girl for 9 months now and last week, maybe two I have been perceived as too clingy.

We were talking on the phone 2-3 times a day, then suddenly she started not calling as much.

So the past week it was ok then friday on the phone she said she needs some space and is confused.
Now she is under alot of pressure to find a new job and go to grad school.

SHe is 31 BTW too.

we were suppossed to do something today, but i never called her and she hasn't called me.

should I call her later tonight and spin it and say "sorry I totally forgot about today"
or call her maybe wednesday and say that,

or wait 2 weeks or so before i contact her

and also should I add a "fear of loss" to that and say "yeaH, we need to talk" and let her worry about that all week.



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
you can talk on the tele or text as much as you want.

as long as your the dominate alpha male in the relationship.

your probably at her becking call.

which can be fine if she knows you have boundries and standards.


you pretty much give her everything she wants and needs...

but you like baseball, you always watch the games...

well if you start skipping games for her..she will think ur a weak man.

if you say, look I watch the with it.

she will crave your attention more.