One on One
Master Don Juan
I've now seen this girl working at the cafe twice and each time I've failed to do a pickup. DJ'ing is an art and not a science, but I'm afraid I need a more scientific method to get the ball rolling on cold approaches. Today I went in planning to execute a number close, but I failed to initiate any convo other than pleasantries.
I've recognized all the buying signals and I believe she recognizes my interest as well. There is a physical attraction. However, I have the advantage because, as a DJ-in-training, I'm going under the assumption that she does like me. At best, I figure she's wondering if I like her.
Now, I will return to the cafe Wednesday night when I'm in that area again and see if she's working. I've seen her on Monday nights twice in a row so if she doesn't work Wednesday night, I'll stop by next Monday night (MW is when I'm around the area).
This is my first cold pickup with intent of getting a #close ever so I need a little advice from you guys. One thing I have noticed is that I think she looks kinda like the girl Kobe raped, but I'm not sure if that's an elegant way to start a convo with a girl you just met, lol. I'd rather stay away from the cheesy lines about her job (ie. "you look like you're having fun").
Does anybody have any tips on a good, casual, opening line? Once I get the convo geared towards who she is, what she is into, etc., I can easily charm any girl. I just need something to get started here.
Thanks. Hopefully, I'll be doing cold PUs like it's nothing soon.
I've recognized all the buying signals and I believe she recognizes my interest as well. There is a physical attraction. However, I have the advantage because, as a DJ-in-training, I'm going under the assumption that she does like me. At best, I figure she's wondering if I like her.
Now, I will return to the cafe Wednesday night when I'm in that area again and see if she's working. I've seen her on Monday nights twice in a row so if she doesn't work Wednesday night, I'll stop by next Monday night (MW is when I'm around the area).
This is my first cold pickup with intent of getting a #close ever so I need a little advice from you guys. One thing I have noticed is that I think she looks kinda like the girl Kobe raped, but I'm not sure if that's an elegant way to start a convo with a girl you just met, lol. I'd rather stay away from the cheesy lines about her job (ie. "you look like you're having fun").
Does anybody have any tips on a good, casual, opening line? Once I get the convo geared towards who she is, what she is into, etc., I can easily charm any girl. I just need something to get started here.
Thanks. Hopefully, I'll be doing cold PUs like it's nothing soon.