Need help with direct game

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I have done direct game lately and out of the 20 times i did it, i have only got two numbers and guess what they were the first two i ever did.

So far i have tried:

"you look pretty cute whats ur number" (worked twice failed 12 times)

"hey there i saw u and just wanted to meet u, my names jordan and whats urs" (failed twice, maybe has potential though)

"hey sorry to bother u, i know ur probablly busy and i kind of got to go now, but i think u have an interesting (or intriguing) look about u, (then i either ask for number or ask name)....(but the 6 times i tried this it failed)

Well guys irdk what to do, is there anyway i could improve on this maybe say something like "i would probablly end up kicking myself if i didn't come over because u do have an interesting look about u and i don't really see that much round london whats the best way to stay in touch" I would really appreciate if u guys could help me refine my opener/approach for the best results.

I know the opener needs work on so it dosn't come desperate, but rather jus confident. The first two i did that worked though i knew i would get the number in my heart and on the other ones every time in my heart i am thinking i won't get it and i don't.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Personally, I hate direct game. Why would any self-respecting girl give out her number to a complete stranger that hasn't even uttered a complete sentence to her?? And why would you, as a self-respecting man, call and ask said girl on a date without qualifying her at all??

You should combine parts of the 2nd and 3rd openers into "Hey, you have a really unique look to you. What's your name?" Then go from there. Don't bother with the false time constraint and 'i know your busy' jive.

Really, it doesn't matter what you open with, but the opener shouldn't be your closer, too.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
By trail and error you should learn to improve your own game if you have 18 rejections. You should see how you are vibing or connecting with these people, or read their own body language to see how receptive they are to you.

Usually I get blown off with polite excuses when I try direct game like that with people who are in the service industry, but I would guess that these girls are giving some sort of automatic excuse or something to you so you don't feel awful for trying.

I do not know how to do direct game without coming across as desperate either, because it just seems unless you have a strong frame enough to say
" oh well, your loss" if they blow you off and just shrug it off ... this can only happen if you see yourself as the prize and you are giving a girl an opportunity to get into your world, and it's up to her what she does with that chance. You can lead a horse to water, but you cant force it to drink.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
alright guys, i will try the things u told me out and maybe try to talk a bit before i close, but i was thinking that it would b pointless if u show ur interest and yet u do nothing, i thought it would be better to get straight to the point. This isn't working so i'll change.

One of my friends did a direct approach he said to a girl "u know u r the most beautifulest girl i have seen all day and just seeing u has made my day" hm it could work seeing he talked bit has well after and then closed her, but it might not b my style.

What do u guys think.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
alright guys, i will try the things u told me out and maybe try to talk a bit before i close, but i was thinking that it would b pointless if u show ur interest and yet u do nothing, i thought it would be better to get straight to the point. This isn't working so i'll change.
I think you have progressed because that is still one very important part of your game that you've got handled that needed to be worked on if you had some phobia for closing. Obviously if you got rejected 18 times, you are not afraid of rejection. You have to face all your fears.

rushing dude 123 said:
One of my friends did a direct approach he said to a girl "u know u r the most beautifulest girl i have seen all day and just seeing u has made my day" hm it could work seeing he talked bit has well after and then closed her, but it might not b my style.
That sounds like a good opener. Did you try that out?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
If you're going to run direct game, you must be confident in not only your wording but your speech.

The lines you've used aren't confident. Never use sorry in a pickup line unless you're being sarcastic. It's like trying to be ballsy by challenging someone to fight then backing down immediately.

Direct means direct. "Hey, and what's your name?"

Or maybe you can pick a line right off the bat on the approach to play into landing a name or a number.

"So I've never seen a woman order a scotch, what makes you so special?"

or whatever. Finding innocent quirks in a woman is bonus points. Not only did you think a little out the box and give her a chuckle, but you also showed that you're interested in other things besides getting into her panties right off the bat. Now, if she's not socially retarded, she'll either give you her answer or she'll bring it back on you "oh and what are you drinking?"

Bam, conversation started.

The name close comes either right after this or a minute or two thereafter (depending on how much you have to say about scotch.. still building bonus pts - you actually do know what you're talking about).

The number close comes NONCREEPILY when you are about to part ways (either permanently or temporarily). No need to be asking for a number in the middle of conversation. You're not that desperate are you?

I like direct game a lot. I hope you have a convincing voice and some good physical features; two things that a woman looks for when being approached coldly.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
u know u r the most beautifulest girl i have seen all day and just seeing u has made my day

Luke Skywalker said:
That sounds like a good opener. Did you try that out?

Unless you follow it up with something like "of course I just woke up and the day is young," then no, that is not a good opener. Telling girls they are pretty is lame. It will work on fat girls and desperately lonely girls, but telling a girl you just met that she is beautiful, and that it was the highlight of your day just seeing her is sad AFC behavior.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
It seems that many are forgetting the essence of "game". It is a game. Not a formula.

Yes, the math says that for any given pickup line there is a segment of the population that it will work. But the overwhelming majority of flattery, this "sorry to bother you" stuff or something similar, fails.

It's about creating an emotional response, and it doesn't really matter what the fvck you say, as long as you make it interesting, mysterious, and/or comical. If you can get her genuinely laughing and maintain your composure there is no real reason you can't set up a date.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
i think its going to work if u are really good looking, have a nice car, money, bunch of friends and a rich family. i bet its going to work for sure.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
rushing dude 123 said:
"you look pretty cute whats ur number" (worked twice failed 12 times)
typically doesn't work. you're asking her to make a split second judgement about whether or not she'd want to hang out with you when you haven't conveyed anything about yourself

"hey there i saw u and just wanted to meet u, my names jordan and whats urs" (failed twice, maybe has potential though)
this works because it's authentic and confident. what did you follow it up with?

"hey sorry to bother u, i know ur probablly busy and i kind of got to go now, but i think u have an interesting (or intriguing) look about u, (then i either ask for number or ask name)....(but the 6 times i tried this it failed)
the idea is good but you stacked too many different thoughts in there. you open with an apology that explicitly puts you in the low value frame that you're bothering her, then you have two excuses to cut short the conversation ("you look busy" + false time constraint) and a qualifier for why you want to talk to her. Keep the false time constraint and the qualfier and lose everything else

and you're under the impression you should be able to get the number right after saying one or two sentences. that's rarely the case


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
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canned openers and direct game will get you those results.

The key to direct game is discovering specific things to talk about. The only way to really do it is by being authentic, understanding yourself, and communicating well with women...

A common fallacy is that direct game is simply the opposite of what we call indirect game, which is using routines and openers and whatnot, and in some part it is, but it's a bit deeper than that. Enough background, let's get to the meat.

You used those three openers on a few chicks, so it fails the first test of direct game. Your head is still in the indirect game space...think about why you're approaching this woman instead of what you can do to get her.

Did she have a funny hat? A walk that makes you feel all tingly inside? A beautiful voice that is unlike any other that you've heard?

I'll put this into perspective - If I go up and approach a chick, and I'm not conscious of the specific reasons why, it'll come out like this:

"hey, you're hot. let's bang."

Sound familiar? It's what AFCs do. Now, granted you could say this in two completely different ways, get results with one, and not with the other, the results speak for themselves.

Situational openers are the only way to do direct game. You actually have to realize what's going on around you.

If, on the other hand, I am conscious of what's going on, and why I want to approach this chick, things will come out a bit differently:

"You have this bright, vibrant energy. Who are you, anyway?"

It takes a bit more work than using a canned opener, and in the field, it can be unnerving, especially if you're not in the right state. It's well worth it, though.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
If you guys want to go bother girls at the mall and get laid out of it, the one thing you have to avoid is being creepy, mostly because most girls would honestly think you were creepy if they knew that you did things like go to the mall to hit on girls. I'm not saying it can't work, but never admit to any woman that is what you're doing. Also do everything to structure the interaction so that she can't tell you are there practicing your "direct game."

You can use canned openers, but the ones that work are generic, yet have the appearance of not being generic. Something like "is that one of those designer purses? Did you spend a thousand bucks on that purse?" will work on the 95% of women with purses, about 90% of which are designer impostors, btw. Hint: make sure she has a purse, ok? Use a different line on the hippie with the Jansport backpack.

Or just act like you are trying to figure out the name of the song that is playing on the store's sound system and ask her in a way that is not overly polite (that also means you have to smile) "Hey, you, trendy girl, what's the name of this song? You look like you would know." The point is just that you are randomly shooting the sh!t with whoever happens to be next to you, coincidentally a hb, and you get her laughing or talking to you and go from there. The opener or great line that every guy is trying to find is only going to work for about ten seconds anyway. But during that ten seconds you had better be figuring out what to say next, or everything will just fall flat immediately after you deliver that great line.

The way that this actually works is that you just happen to fall into a conversation with a girl who just happens to be hot and you had more to say but had to go so you got her number. If you strike out with one girl, do not hit on other girls who saw you strike out with the first girl. And do not stare at her tits. That is another instant disqualification.

Doing these things will help you avoid the 'creepy desperate loser' label that every hot woman is all too eager to put on any guy who reads 'how to get girls' web sites and goes to the mall to ask for phone numbers in an attempt to get laid. It's not fair that women think that way, but they do.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I think you have progressed because that is still one very important part of your game that you've got handled that needed to be worked on if you had some phobia for closing. Obviously if you got rejected 18 times, you are not afraid of rejection. You have to face all your fears.

That sounds like a good opener. Did you try that out?
I did without the it made my day, its posted below, without the neg bible belt talked about, i don't think it will do to well, but if i can see from her reaction its already working good, there might not b any need for the neg.

WC2: hm i thought direct game is showing ur interest, i thought u kinda combined a indirect approach with a direct approach and its pretty spontanious instead of jus being canned "So I've never seen a woman order a scotch, what makes you so special?", i will try this in night game.

Rhodo: yeh i am going to lose the sorry line and might replace with "can i talk to u for two minutes" (saw several of my friends do that and it worked out pretty well for them, even though according to my last approach it failed, but then again in a way the approach continued, so did it really fail?) and ur right it is not a formula, direct game even though its direct dosn't mean u say a set a set of things and get the number everytime, its has to b customized to what she replys with.

Ready 123: i will try the second one a few times again maybe because i tried it only twice, but they blowed out not long after i opened it, in my opinion it could of jus been unlucky. Hm the third one is one i got off pua vault and watched the dude do it successfully, but it might just not b my style, so i will make my own customizations so the approach feels more me and genuine.

Silky: I have learned it is not about one line in a way i am kind of happy, because how boring would game b is if u jus say one line and get what u want, theres no challenge. Indirect game and direct game r not total opposites, i realised that today, the start might b different, but the middle ccould be more or less the same. The main point of ur post though is that its going to b genuine, instead of jus saying it to a random chick for the sake of it. This is why i think the first two i ever did suceeded

Bible belt: i thought the examples u did on ur second post r indirect?, i do those ones all the time lol, well what i am doing of late is trying to customize my approaches to indirect or direct, if i can see something unique about her, which i usually can i will use a "indirect appraoch like thes one u listed" and if i can't or shes very far like on other side of road, i will use a direct approach.

guys thanks for the feedback i am going keep posting my direct approaches on here and i am going to slowly master this direct game.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright my approaches today

i see a Hb on other side of road and i cross over and say
RD: hey u r the most cutest girl i have seen today
HB: ok
(looks at her and realises she looks more younger than i thought
RD: wait how old r u
HB: 13
RD: ok thats wrong nvm, later

Right now this one went bad imo and even though shes 13 i am going to analyse it anyway. I think "of course I just woke up and the day is young," which bible belt said could of worked better, its kind of qualifying her and giving a c&f and makes it appear more genuine, seeing its more of my style to do something like that anyway.

Next one is when i was coming home on bus and sitting at top, all empty and then some chick comes on sit 2 seats behind me (think she could b interested or maybe shes just lazy lol) i get second thoughts for one minute, but i go screw it and sit one seat back and say
RD: hey can i talk to u for two seconds
HB: No not really
RD: why r u anti social or something
HB: (smiles) no just not in mood to talk right now.
(i feel shes totally disinterested)
RD: o ok
( turns back to her, but i think to myself that was a waste of a rejection seeing i am aiming for 8 more rejections for number this week, i think screw it and turn round and hand her my phone)
RD: u know u don't have to talk jus type ur number in my phone and i'll call u when ur in a better mood.
HB:Why r u doing this lol
RD: because i think ur cute
HB: o so its just my looks
RD: yeh it is (i remembered this was bad thing), but thats why i am doing this to get to know the other side of u
HB: maybe u won't like that side
RD: why r u agreesive and mean
HB: yep
RD: then i guess i have to change u then
HB: lol
HB: i think i am to old for u
RD: how old r u
HB: how old u think i am
RD: 26
HB: u got it
RD: 26, u said ur old, ur just a kid
HB: How old r u
RD: guess
HB: 32 (she said for jokes i am guessing)
RD: maybe a bit younger
HB: 20
RD: yep u got it
RD: but i think ur still a bit to young for me lol
HB: lol
HB: o really
RD: yep, so where r u from
HB: why
RD: u got a accent on u and i am curious
HB:hm guess
RD: spanish, mexican, russian
HB: nope
RD: ok giv me a clue
HB: eastern
RD: wow thanks, let me guess chinese
HB: haha no
HB: i am from poland
RD: i thought polish girls r blonde
HB: not all of them lol, where r u from
RD: Guess (with a how do u like it look)
HB: hmmm london
RD: huh u got it
HB: u live here ur whole life?
RD: yeh round this area i suppose
RD: btw whats ur name
HB: o thats a secret
HB: whats ur name
RD: hm ur not playing fair i c
HB: o wait this is my stop, bye (she gets up and heads to steps quickly)
RD: wait write ur number down
(she just smiles and goes down stairs)

I learnt a lot from this approach and to be honest i could of probablly got it if i refined my game a little bit more. Like i should of number closed has soon has she said my name is a secret, so i could of jus said "fine i'll call u random bus girl (has i type on my phone) , write ur number down" she might resist a bit, but i'll jus bring up that i bet she dosn't get on this well with people she just meets and i can see in her eyes she wants to giv it to me. The thing i learnt most from this approach is, its more what u say after the opener in "direct game" has well, just like indirect, its no one line finish. U cud get totally blown out, but if ur persistant and optimistic and keep going, it will giv her time to get to know the real u, which will work to my advantage and the game should go up the longer u speack to her for.

Alright i am going do some more approaches tommorow, i'll write down any direct approaches i do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
rushing dude 123 said:
RD: wait write ur number down
(she just smiles and goes down stairs)

I learnt a lot from this approach and to be honest i could of probablly got it if i refined my game a little bit more. Like i should of number closed has soon has she said my name is a secret, so i could of jus said "fine i'll call u random bus girl (has i type on my phone) , write ur number down" she might resist a bit, but i'll jus bring up that i bet she dosn't get on this well with people she just meets and i can see in her eyes she wants to giv it to me. The thing i learnt most from this approach is, its more what u say after the opener in "direct game" has well, just like indirect, its no one line finish. U cud get totally blown out, but if ur persistant and optimistic and keep going, it will giv her time to get to know the real u, which will work to my advantage and the game should go up the longer u speack to her for.

Alright i am going do some more approaches tommorow, i'll write down any direct approaches i do.
direct game is sad my friend. Unless you have a heart made of steel. Go indirect, be interesting, have a genuine connection, and then close.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
second was good, I like how you were persistant. only thing is you set a low value frame at the beginning

don't go for the number so early. it's so generic and puts you in frame that you care more about validation from getting the number than you do about getting to know the girl. that's what you subcommunicate to her whne you do it. and that taints the rest of the conversation because now the idea that you NEED somethign from her is gonna be in the back of her mind, even if she starts enjoying the conversation.

don't even think about phone numbers, focus on the interaction. if you're able to have a good interaction that she enjoys, # closing will come naturally. HOOK her before you go for the number

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Direct Vs Indirect is BS in my opinion...

When it comes to opening direct, you need to a STRONG REALITY...All my wings were surprised that when they first met me the only opener I used was "Hey your cute I had to meet you" or something along those lines.

I had a Strong Reality, and so many things were clicking as far as identity goes and being 100% certain in what I was saying. The sets would blow wide open...

I find people who go in direct and don't get good responses, its because they are committed to it 100% and assuming that it will open. I'm going in as if I'm giving her the chance to meet me. I saw her and I want her so I'm taking her.

You will know what I mean after awhile, because it will get to a point where you can go up to a 2set and say to the obstacle "Hey I like your friend is she cool?" and the obstacle will start qualifying her friend which her friend will stand there and just listen and smile, you can easily transition to the target and go smooth sailing. (This is my default way of meeting a chick who is with her MOTHER)

I honestly think guys mix up the actual verbal content to what is actually direct. I have played around with going in indirect and it was so obvious that it was direct that they jokingly mention that the opener had nothing to do with my intentions of talking to them...(I love asking for good places to eat and saying I'm looking for human bodies)

I've heard many times chicks saying how smooth it was because it seems logically acceptable to answer my question but it's SO obvious that I just came to chat her up that she loves it because I only subtly showed my interest, I never really verbalized it until later.

There is a lot of ways that I've played with this, I go crazy when it comes to testing things's not about the actual verbal content it's the sub-communication...

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
i will give four of the direct approaches i did today

1. Saw chick walk past me didn't approach, she did it again, so i got up and said to her
RD: can i talk to u for 2 minutes
HB: depends what it is
RD: Well u caught my eye....
HB: haha then no (walks off straight away)

wow thanks darling, thought it was a bad approach, so won't try that one again.

2. Chick sitting down eating lunch i go over and sit next to her.
RD: Hey can i talk to u for 2 minutes
HB: depends what it is
RD: well u have a unique look about u, whats ur name
HB: jennifer (gives me a look of where u going to go with this)
RD: So what u doing here
HB: eating lunch, so what do u want i am really not sure, is it a questionairre, r u approaching me personally
RD: maybe its a third one
HB: what like charity
RD: yeh africa needs more water now, wondering if u were going to make a donation
HB: lol, idk guys just come to me always when i am eating
RD: idk maybe u have a kind of aura about u
HB: maybe lol
RD: so, whats ur point of being here, r u working or something
HB: hmmm
RD: why r u so secretive, r u working for the goverment or something
HB: actually yes
RD: what the cia or something
HB: lol
RD: so why can't u say
HB: well i really don't know what u want
RD: i thought u were cute and wanted ur number
HB: sorry, can't give that to u

Hm now this had awkward pauses, but its workable, just have to b more sharper with transition and make sure she knows what i am after in beginning because she just got confused.

3. next one was a chick (eye contact) that walked past me whilst i was with my friend

RD: hey can i ask u a question
HB: uh i don't speack good english (smiles)
RD: O where u from
HB: italy
RD: o chao (handshake and she smiles and shakes)
RD: so whats ur name
RD: o ok my names jordan, so how long u been here
HB: this is my first day
RD: o kool, so r u single, do u have a boyfriend or anything (shouldn't of said that)
HB: have a boyfriend
RD: o ur not married or anything, but thats awesome i have a boyfriend 2 (points at friend sitting on bench)
RD: i can bring my boyfriend and u can boyfriend and we can go out sometime, is it alright if i get ur number (ahhhhhhh why the hell do i keep saying that submissive close, btw i do it on the next one 2)
HB: o i am sorry, (she smiles)
( i exit and she waves goodbye and says it was nice meeting u)

now this one is definetlly workable, if i had a more refined game on this i would of got that close, and when i did the whole i got bf 2 should of changed subject and asked her bit about her holiday and if she liked it here, then closed her. I think this direct approach could work for me, because i think giving someone a compliment is just really not my style, but here i am not, but still showing interest.

4. (didn't look at me) and she just walked past me and i run up behind her
RD: hey can i ask u a question
(she jumps and kind of dirty look 2)
HB: sure what is it
RD: r u single, like do u have boyfriend or anything
HB: no i am not a bf got a boyfriend and just walks off.

alright i think the "r u single" one is very workable and i got a c&f for both repsonses, i think the best way for me to open is with a neg or that, but i think direct game should b done when u get a ioi instead of her just coldly walking past u.

ps. ready and snow i'll keep what u said in mind and not just focus on the close.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
try not to be generic on the opener and the conversation. generic = low value =
- asking her if you can ask her a question
- complementing her looks in a typical way
- asking if she has a boyfriend (you already know this)
- asking for the number too early

instead you can try:
- looking at where her attention is and make a funny comment about it
- making a funny observation about the environment, what she's wearing, etc

your game is actually good after the opener, pretty playful. Only bad things are it's an interview format and you ask for the number too early. you need to be able to talk for awhile without grilling her about details she's not gonna give you because you're a complete stranger and she doesn't know yet if you're a wierdo or not. And if you want her to open to you, then you lead and open up first. Draw her into your reality. Give her somethign to work with so she can make a decision about you.

and the 4th one, you probably scared the crap out of her by running after her

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
ready123 said:
instead you can try:
- looking at where her attention is and make a funny comment about it
- making a funny observation about the environment, what she's wearing, etc
ah this is my better area of game (indirect) and is what i usually do, but i see u noticed the mistakes i made...among the few. the last three i will agree with, but the first one i think just makes it work better, but i am going change it to "hey i am going to ask u a question... *slight pause*...r u single?" and just see if it works any better.

i am going to reflect on this and see if i can figure a way to transist it well to stop the whole interview process.
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