Need help getting game in dance clubs


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
I recently got back into the game after a 4 year long serious relationship, and I find it extremely difficult to game in dance clubs. Frankly I'm quite natural at day time, approaching girls that are sitting beside me in cafe, restaurant, library, on the bus, etc, and just strike up convo and do a number close.

Just 2 weeks ago I met this HB8-9 at law courts, out of all places, and did one of my best game and number close in recent memory, but when I try to game with my buddies at clubs? I just keep failing.

I think girls at clubs just naturally put up more of a defense since they understand most guys are there to pick up chicks. Most of them have friends beside them to ****block, and I just don't know how to maintain interest level in a shallow setting like that when available convo topics are so limited.

Some DJ would argue that clubs are the easiest place to pick up chicks, but I just feel completely opposite. Can any bros offer any tips?


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
It's the hardest place.

Don't approach them, get a table, spend loads of money and let them come to you. Be smooth and if you're lucky, you'll take one home. But don't be surprised if she refuses to do anything in bed. Girls at those places just want attention and maybe some guy to spend money on them in the process.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
TempestNight said:
Frankly I'm quite natural at day time, approaching girls that are sitting beside me in cafe, restaurant, library, on the bus, etc, and just strike up convo and do a number close.

[...] but when I try to game with my buddies at clubs? I just keep failing.
I think you answered your own question OP. There are guys here who pull from the bars but really the vast majority of girls who go to this scene are looking for an ego boost or ONS. Their expectations are different to yours, they just forgot to tell you... :D Catch them off guard like you have been doing instead of playing their game.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
DragonBlood said:
I think you answered your own question OP. There are guys here who pull from the bars but really the vast majority of girls who go to this scene are looking for an ego boost or ONS. Their expectations are different to yours, they just forgot to tell you... :D Catch them off guard like you have been doing instead of playing their game.
Haha I don't mind the ONS, problem is how do I game them in clubs?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Clubs aren't your thing. Embrace that.

Daniel Bard: once an elite relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox. In the late innings he had mad skills, was going to be the closer of the future. But he wanted to be a starting pitcher because other people were doing it.

He tried converting to a starting pitcher and it was an epic failure. Now he can't even pitch in relief - his confidence is shot and his career possibly over.

The analogy clear enough? :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I don't normally go out to pull when I'm at a club, more I go out to have a good time with my friends.

Having said that, I do pull fairly regularly, with complete randoms most of the time.

Normally when I do pull I'm by myself, on the way to the bar for another round, looking around for friends, to and from the toilet etc.

The most effective way I've found in club game is bodylanguage and eye contact. Alot of the time I don't talk to the girl much/at all before getting with her, after that we sometimes have a chat.

Be a bit more overt when you check her out, let her know you are looking, but don't overdo it, else you look like a creep. Although it's fairly easy to tell when you've done it too much, because oftentimes the girl will roll her eyes at you/laugh/flip you off and continue dancing with her friends. At this point you eject or keep on moving, don't stop to try and have a chat. This is basically using your eyes to let her know you are interested. I find the best eye contact is a pretty strong gaze, I've been called intimidating before because I can be quite intense when I do it, normally that only gets said if I forget to smile at her though haha.

Normally I've found if I get eye contact reciprocated, with a smile, it's a green light to proceed. At this point we dance. There's not alot you can do about her friends ****blocking, but what I try to do is dance with her and slowly lead her away from her circle of friends, even if it's just a couple feet. Unless her friends really don't want her to get with you, they just sort of leave you to it if you've left the circle and are dancing 1 on 1.

You also have to look like you are having a good time. Girls watch their surroundings all the time, they are always scannnig for Mr Right, there is always one guy who can make their gina tingle. If you are having a blast, it creates curiosity, which can lead to attraction. If you catch them looking, give a smile and continue doing your own thing, if you see them later on looking at you and smiling, that's your que to go over and say hello. Some people might say go over as soon as you get eye contact the first time, but I prefer waiting for the second and a smile, just my preference.

Finally, I know some guys here go out clubbing alone; but I think social proof is important. Like the point above if you are out with loads of attractive people (men and women), you are naturally going to draw the attention of those around you, it can be both positive or negative, depending on who you are with.

Just my thoughts on the matter.


Hustlaz Ambition

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
Gunner26 said:
I don't normally go out to pull when I'm at a club, more I go out to have a good time with my friends.

Having said that, I do pull fairly regularly, with complete randoms most of the time.

Normally when I do pull I'm by myself, on the way to the bar for another round, looking around for friends, to and from the toilet etc.

The most effective way I've found in club game is bodylanguage and eye contact. Alot of the time I don't talk to the girl much/at all before getting with her, after that we sometimes have a chat.

Be a bit more overt when you check her out, let her know you are looking, but don't overdo it, else you look like a creep. Although it's fairly easy to tell when you've done it too much, because oftentimes the girl will roll her eyes at you/laugh/flip you off and continue dancing with her friends. At this point you eject or keep on moving, don't stop to try and have a chat. This is basically using your eyes to let her know you are interested. I find the best eye contact is a pretty strong gaze, I've been called intimidating before because I can be quite intense when I do it, normally that only gets said if I forget to smile at her though haha.

Normally I've found if I get eye contact reciprocated, with a smile, it's a green light to proceed. At this point we dance. There's not alot you can do about her friends ****blocking, but what I try to do is dance with her and slowly lead her away from her circle of friends, even if it's just a couple feet. Unless her friends really don't want her to get with you, they just sort of leave you to it if you've left the circle and are dancing 1 on 1.

You also have to look like you are having a good time. Girls watch their surroundings all the time, they are always scannnig for Mr Right, there is always one guy who can make their gina tingle. If you are having a blast, it creates curiosity, which can lead to attraction. If you catch them looking, give a smile and continue doing your own thing, if you see them later on looking at you and smiling, that's your que to go over and say hello. Some people might say go over as soon as you get eye contact the first time, but I prefer waiting for the second and a smile, just my preference.

Finally, I know some guys here go out clubbing alone; but I think social proof is important. Like the point above if you are out with loads of attractive people (men and women), you are naturally going to draw the attention of those around you, it can be both positive or negative, depending on who you are with.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

+reps this was a good ass post :up: