Need Help Fast


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
I've been following all of the DJing advice and so far its helped alot. I'm currently in an not-so-open relationship with this hb9-10 for 1 and a half months in college. She always calls me and always wants to hang out, i never called her that much in 2 months. We got really comfortable with each other. So comfortable that she wanted to just sleep with me (just sleep nothing else) and couple weeks later we started to experiment. Basically we kinda did everything except any kind of intercourse and fellatio. This all happend in a span of one and a half month in college. The problem is that she just got off a long term relationship. i guess i moved in too quickly because once i came close to intiate intercourse but she said no ,and of course i have to respect that, and the 2 weeks following it she told me that were going too fast. Today is starting week 3 and as one of the rule said, you cant get to attached so im trying to give myself distance from her. The problem i think is that she doesn't want to be in a real relationship too soon. She is really the LTR type and i really want to be with her. I'm planning on telling her to enjoy the single life and well see what happends in 3 months or so. Am i doing the right thing? I really need help on this one. I want to move on but i go to a small college and so far she is the hottest meat in the market.
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Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by The_Shezzler
SHE wants sex - just has much as you do, damn man - leaving it this long as really screwed things up imo - either shes gonna think your just a loser or that your gay - how can you climb into bed with her and NOT fcuk her man!

It was her first real test of you and you did a peter pan off a cliff Brother, miserably. Don't see it as anything other than a life lesson and learn from it.

Never point the finger at yourself or blame it on a second. Accept what happened and face it head on.



Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
It's so painfully obvious. Can't believe i missed it. I was blinded badly lol. Taking your advice and just move on.