Need help and opinion.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
I need some pointers and views over here. Basically, I'm talking to this girl online whom I actually know, but she doesn't know me. Yeah, many have commented I sound like a desperate stalker yada yada but well...anyway, after I started on this site and practicing it's principals, I've been fairly successful with girls out there(as in, not those I meet/know online) but as for this online talk, it's much harder so I'm just trying to move closer and then ask her out. Also with this girl who tugs on the strings of my heart, I start slipping into the AFC abyss now and then. Anywa as I looked back at what happened so far, here's my report:

1.) Telling too much about myself.
Was actually playing it pretty cool yet warm, but started revealing a tad too much after a few conversations
2.) Sharing too much about stuffs happening around atm.
Like stuffs happening while talking to her, and there was a particularly embarrassing incident I narrated to her about.
3.) Boring with technical stuff.
Just a little bit, would try not to.
4.) Approaching as friend instead of potential lover.
Well, actually I know I have to approach as a "MAN", but I presume I'll probably freak her out since it's an online thing so far.
5.) Too much silence and boring talk.
She initiated some pretty cool topics and I followed up well in the initial conversations, after that it just went way down and became silent or boring.
6.) Appearing as a loser/bummer.
Like sitting around etc. etc.
7.) Mildly trying to impress.
Just mildly.

Planned Rectifications(Need help on how to actually make it happen):
1.) Being more mysterious
2.) Avoid uneccessory talking-more I babble, higher chance of fault.
3.) Moving more intimate-subtly
4.) Show I have goals, ideals and activities in life.
5.) Impress by not impressing.

Sucess(Trying to keep it up):
1.) Sounding funny.
2.) Being intelligent, witty, funny.

Things to do(Need help on how to actually make it happen):
1.) Get her to talk and I listen.
2.) Mirror her while appropriate making us compatible.
3.) Make her feel special while and with me

About the girl:
Well, I figured she doesn't mingle often with males(so I guess her bothering to actually talk to me while doing stuffs online is a good sign) but is seeking(or at least wouldn't mind) a boyfriend. She's pretty hot, with guys hitting on her now and then, but mainly AFCs who took off after she give them the cold treatment.

Actually, it went pretty well originally, I was being a ****y, funny, smart yet mysterious and she was initiating pretty much talk and I was listening and playing it cool with sub-answers. But I slowly found myself slipping into back to AFC state with some pretty bad mistakes. So as I looked back, I compiled this report and seek opinion here. I think it's still salvageable. After my mistakes, she still talks to me, even though it's alot more boring and I get the feeling that it's out of social sake.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
oh yeah and another thing, should I or should I not be the one to ask for her mobile number? I get the feeling that she would ask shortly after(if I manage to) rectify the relationship, however it may be good for me to take the initiative...what should I do??!!?!:confused: :confused:


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
have you talked to this girl on the phone? or in person?

how do you know her, and she doesnt know you?


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Nope, never on phone or person YET(I believe we will :) ) How do I know her, I happen to know some of her friends, and these girls always have blogs, online albums etc. they think they're sharing only with their friends :p.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Your first business at hand is to quit talking to her online and get her phone number - yes ask!

When you talk to her on the phone the purpose is to set up a date to meet her in person and do a fun activity. Do not use the phone to talk some more!

Ask for her 'home' number to see what her interest level is, then write us back to proceed from there.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Well, actuallly I sincerely believe that that is what I should be doing right now, however the thing is that she may be reluctant to give me her no., even if she's interested because it is afterall, an online "relationship" I initiated and there's alot of this "preying" cases over here. And we're both 14+/15 anyway. However the good thing is that she has given some fairly good IL signs, one I can't think off my mind right now is that once I asked what she was doing atm and she replied finish her sch wk so I said "Well, I better not disturb", both to excuse myself lest I disturb her and end up as a disgusting bloke and also to act a little cold, but she almost immediately replied "Oh, no it's ok, you're not disturbing at all". Well this may not be a definate positive example, there's many of these. Thought I must say she seems like a kind of sunshine girl to girls, but not to guys. But I get the gut feeling there's room for a relationship. First of all, I need to get her IL up and also to be more special and comfortable.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
oh and another problem.
She's schooling, good one at it...and not that she's said she's busy but I found out she always is. So even if I do get the number, call her, date her etc., she may not accept it, and it may be because she's busy thought it's not an excuse for not going out with someone like me :p, but point being, she doesn't know me. Seriously, would you go out with a girl who you met online for less than a week that you know not personally, and you're busy with sch? Even getting the number is hard at this point, not to mention getting the date.

I understand the logic and theory of "Going for it" and I've did it a couple of times this couple of wks, but this girl and scenario is pretty special, I still feel that easing things up a little would be better, at least for another half a wk or so.


New Member
Sep 26, 2002
Reaction score
You're thinking WAY too much about this. Just ask her for her number, and tell her you'd like to call her. When you get her on the phone, ask her if she'd like to do something. That's all there is to it, don't think about it any deeper than that.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
OK then, any tips or a better way to do in under such circumstances then?


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Advice: Do not be afraid of screwing things up. Go for it and reflect when something bad happens.