Need help and advice on game.

King Tiger

New Member
Dec 15, 2016
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Hey guys, it would be great if you would read the lengthy post and offer me some advice to up my game. Sorry for the English it is my second language.

First some background, I am an international student (3rd year) here in USA at UCSC Santa Cruz. I am from India, but I don’t have that funny accent. I am well build at 5 feet 9 inches. Have average to good looking face. I am muscular. I also have belly fat, but I am working on it, I am eating less than 1800 calories a day, go running 4 to 5 km every day, and strength training. I have muscular arms, legs, shoulder and chest. Target is to get to Greek God body ratios. And skin colour can be between light to dark brown, depending on sun exposure. This was just to get the looks out of the way. In my views, I am a good looking guy. I dress sharply (within college norms; i.e., dark denims button up shirts, leather shoes or boots and of course aviators.) I don’t try to fit into this attire, but I actually feel confident and good in it. I keep a conservative type hairstyle. That is parted at the side and pulled back diagonally. Like Don draper or Pete Campbell or some variation of these.

I study Physics and Mathematics (double major) and also working with a professor on dark matter project. I will be going to grad school for sure. My dream is to become a good physicist (a playboy physicist). I am good at studies and some of my friends nicknamed me physics god. I don’t know if they were joking or not, but honestly I am good at what I do.

In terms of personality. I am not a beta which can get run-over by other guys. According to my close friends I am more of a “prick”. When I am in my friend circle I am the fun guy, but outside of it I am not. I am a natural introvert, but more like “the strong silent type” or no-nonsense guy focused on work at hand. I have been told that I have a very intimidating personality both by friends, family and relatives (first impression- due to intense eye-contact, expressionless or not smiling face, and very few words). I am good in making eye contact, and can easily intimidate others (if I wanted. I have learned how to do that). I don’t like to dominate people around me, and don’t prefer to get dominated at any cost, but can go either way if it serves me well. I see life as a game of chess, and can retreat, or press forward ruthlessly whenever needed. I like to keep a mellow and low profile. I grew up with my grandfather who was a sharp dressed super alpha in his prime and at least up to 10 years back, when he was still socially active. A lot of my traits come from what I learned from observing him. Also, I am a great observer of things. I easily see people playing their little games. I give a very formal vibe to people first time I meet anyone (I have been told this by many). Except when I am playing soccer, then I can be very open and friendly with complete strangers. Some more things which can serve as my advantage are- I like reading ancient roman history, ancient warfare strategies, philosophy and can talk on these topics easily. Read Emperor’s Handbook, a new translation of meditations of Marcus Aurelius it is a must read.

Now the problem part. It is very easy for me to create rapport with girls if it involves something formal like studies, project, office work, but I fail to create a romantic or sexual vibe with them. Honestly my game sucks. I tried playing the nice guy (first become friends then get in bed) and realized in a year that does not works. Got friend zoned once (although two other times when the girls said, they just wanted to be friends, but I said no and moved on). I understood I needed to change my strategy here. I went online and found some books like Art of Seduction, 48 laws of Power, The rational male, conversation Casanova, and some more. After reading these, I felt that there is a way to improve game. But I want to know If there is a way I can use by natural introvert temperament (and all that I mentioned above) and play it to my advantage. I am not good in loud social environments like parties, bar etc., and run out of things to say with new people (both guys and girls) quickly. I also have trouble making sexual advances towards girls even in conversations. I get scared if I end up appearing creepy, and they called me a sexual offender of some kind, and that my **** up my career. In new social circles I end up like a raw recruit on battlefield, who does not know where to go and where to shot. I have to think a lot to keep the conversation up.

I do get a lot of IOI’s (I guess) when I am walking around in library or campus. I am saying IOI because I have noticed few girls turn and look at me and make good eye contact and then look away. Some turn for a second time also. Few who turn away move their hands in their hair also. But I don’t know how to capitalize on this (especially in library). I also feel like instead of appearing like a smooth Lamborghini I end up looking like a heavy tank ready to fire the canon and end up scaring the girls away. This makes me feel like a loser, and I sometimes buy into the lonely guy myth. As I can easily identify as a lone wolf or a tiger (solitary hunters). This all makes me lose a lot of confidence and I end up not approaching the girls, and recently this insecurity has also started interfering with my professional work. It makes me feel like a loser I am not.

Is there a way I can play my intense personality to my advantage in dating world? I would love to get recommendations about resources I can look at (videos, book etc.). Most of the coaching sites I found and videos I watched looked like they were geared towards the extrovert type guys. It sucks to be 21 and virgin with no sex life at all. I am also on tight budget so can’t spend any money on dating coaching, and want to focus on my professional work.

King Tiger

New Member
Dec 15, 2016
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Hey Sazc, thanks for the resources. How was your social life at UCSC? I find it hard to meet new people in UCSC. I was drafted into Crown although I had asked for Cowell. I live off campus now.

Hey Deesade, I like the idea of day game. Will try to learn that. Thamks a lot.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Hey Sazc, thanks for the resources. How was your social life at UCSC? I find it hard to meet new people in UCSC. I was drafted into Crown although I had asked for Cowell. I live off campus now.

Hey Deesade, I like the idea of day game. Will try to learn that. Thamks a lot.
I had friends mainly in CS. It was okay. I lived up by big basin, very opposite direction. I grew up in Cali so I had friends all over the bay, I didn't have to start fresh.

Get to downtown Fridays and Saturday's, plenty of bars and definitely a scene. Make eye contact, smile, etc. Learn to surf!!! Paddle board, beach boardwalk (why not?)

Smoke a little, shroom a little, its the hippie way ;)

Its an amazing atmosphere, enjoy!!!