Need Help/Advice/Opinions


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, me and this girl just broke up yesterday. Her reason was "I can't focus on what's important in my life." She has pets, family, friends and school. She takes all honors classes, but at a regular ninth grade level, while I am taking classes that are at least at a sophomore or junior level, in ninth grade. I also indulge in similar activities that she does. I don't know exactly what to think in this situation. She tells me she cares about me, but that she can't continue a relationship when her work and priorities don't get done. For all I know there are more things here that I probably don't know.

Here's the lay down on the girl. We met about three weeks ago. I felt one of those, "Love at first sight, for a teenager" Kind of feelings and instantly hooked up with her, succesfully taking her out of another friend's hands...But that's not important. She tells me I am what she wants in a relationship, (this is during the relationship, well even after she broke up with me), that I'm nice, sincere, and confident, while not being too ****y or horny. I get this a lot from girls, seeing how at this age they don't necessarily know how to handle a guy who is in fact what is labeled as a "jackass". At least, girls I know don't know how to handle them. Back to the point. We went out for three weeks, talked a lot, hung out a bit, really enjoyed ourself. One night I'm having a rough time, and talking with her. If she wasn't a peer mediator I thought that's where I would have gone wrong, but she is very understanding of rough times and I know that I did not do anything to scare her off. The next day, she calls me, we talk some, and I get off. A little whiles later I call her, and she tells me how she doesn't have nearly the same caring level as I did, and that after taking awhile to make a decision that's best for her, she broke up with me. I, being in complete shock, unprepared, etc, attempted to talk her out of it, compromise, she wouldn't budge. So I told her to call me later, hung up, threw the phone across the room. An hour later she calls back, I tell her it's not a good time, hang up.

Afterwards I take my time to go through the motions, denial, shock, etc, etc. If I had reason to dislike her, it could be so much easier, but she's such a rare find, especially at this point in time. Anyways, after taking long amounts of time to analyze things, and visiting a friend for a few hours to relax, I come home and am given the link to this site. I immediately take a different offense towards my life, change my attitude so that I'm easier to get along with, socially, and at home, doing great. However, I don't know whether I should start dating around again, forget about this girl, wait for her, ignore her, try and just be friends for awhile, I'd appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
I posted something very similar to this before, and you posted some advice on it. I havn't been able to take it yet as the girl has been out of town, but it looks good on paper at least. Maybe you should try it to?

I've gone through the going out-breaking up-i cared too much relationships, and if you want a good chance of you two actually working out, give it time before you hook back up. Breaking up then hooking back up 36 hours later is pointless, as less than two days before she saw a good reason to end it. Wait it out a while, hook up with other girls, but if you're really into her, then take your own advice from before.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah...I realized that someone would tell me to follow my own advice. It's hard though, I'm a hypocrite in most situations, and it's nice getting differentiating feedback from different people. The more that's given, the more there is to think about. I just don't know plainly whether or not this girl is worth waiting for, and that's what I'd like some opinions on.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Eddymj89
Okay, me and this girl just broke up yesterday. Her reason was "I can't focus on what's important in my life."
You are obviously very young so let me help you out...she is making an excuse for you to leave her alone and you are obviously not important in her life if she wants to concentrate on 'important' matters!

You are not 'important' because she does not desire you as a young woman should a young man!! Don't take it personal you have many years ahead of you and women at this age don't count!!!


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Heh yeah that came apparant to my mind as well, but you see the difference is...she has had a lot of trouble in her life...had some...bad interaction with guys, (rape), and still to this day has to get checked up on, without her parents even knowing it, so if she didn't have those sorts of stresses going on in her life, I would point it out from the first that she was making an excuse. But it seems more and more apparant that it may just be bs, cause she hasn't and won't tell me anything at all about her problems. Aside from that, I have been gettin' back into the game again, had some luck, planning on going on an outing this weekend, so it's all good.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Dont focus on her problems. Try to get rapport with her and dont focus so much on attraction cause she won't need attraction. You've gotta make her trust you and feel comfortable around you and get a connection. I know this sounds like bs advice but these girls require a differant kind of game I think. There are not many guys who are going to make her really comfortable and make her trust them.
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
southern California
Guys i need your opinion. I have an uncanny ability to "scare girls". Like i will just appear out of nowhere and just start talking to a chick when they are not paying attention and it frightens them. I dont try to i am just naturally sneaky. Is this bad? will i give the impression of a creepy stalker type or a playful dude who likes to scare chicks?
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
southern California
oh and Eddymj89 dont sweat it dude. Iam 17 and never had a girlfriend. had lots of chicks like me but i didnt want them. What i am trying to say is Be PATIENT. your still very young and i know girls your age and they are very dumb and immature. keep meeting new chicks and dont worry about trying to get a GF. just live your life and enjoy your youth. before you know it you will be my age. Youll have lots of time in the future to worry about Girls + women. if i can hold out till 17 so can you.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sterling the Runner
Guys i need your opinion. I have an uncanny ability to "scare girls". Like i will just appear out of nowhere and just start talking to a chick when they are not paying attention and it frightens them. I dont try to i am just naturally sneaky. Is this bad? will i give the impression of a creepy stalker type or a playful dude who likes to scare chicks?
I think she'd probably see you as a creepy stalker type unless you're opener is said in the whole point of trying to scare them like if you out of nowhere grab their shoulder and start laughing you'll probably come off as a fun guy thats trying to scare her. Chances are if you're worrying about what she thinks of you she'll think you're creepy.
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
southern California
Most of the occasions on which this has occured, was with girls i already kinda knew. for ex, The other night i was at the book store and saw HB8( who is on my cross country team) & HB9(had clases with her before). Well i went and was DJing them, not to well, but was sure makin them laf alot. Any way we went our seperate was and before i was about to leave i walked up to HB8 who, was on the store computer, and said "well Im Going Now". she kinda screamed and said i scared her then i started lafing and tried to play it off.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
you probably come off as guy whos funny and just scares chicks for fun then