Need damage control


New Member
Feb 25, 2004
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So for six weeks i've had an HB9 within my grasp, but within my utter paranoia and general pvssyness i never made the move to ask her out, i spent too much time reading her signs. In fact, for the most part i haven't come on strong on her at all, as that's my general composure, i never come on strong with girls.

In recent weeks she toned down her fliting with me, not so much an act of her losing interest in me, but she's come to believe im not attracted to her at all. I've managed to compose myself in a way that makes her think I consistantly can do much better than her. However, that can't be further from the truth.

I only compliment her when it's convienient, and i haven't made a pass at her. I've done kino without any negative response. For the most part, it was always her who approached me, whether it be the phone, IM, or at school.

She is still the one who makes the effort that we hang out when we do and I'm firm that I haven't reached the dreaded friend zone yet. When we're together, we're usually alone, we don't have any mutual friends, and she hasn't given me the "friendship hug of death" that she gives to most of her guy friends. She also makes it a point not to talk about guys she's interested in or dating. From what i perceive, she dropped me from immediate interest to potential interest, as right now she's dating another guy, simply because he was convienient. How i know this isn't at issue, so dont ask. It's not serious, and I know they're not exclusive.

Despite all this, she because rather cold towards me in terms of her level of flirting.

I know you're all going to tell me what I should've done and whatnot, and I know I should have made a move many weeks ago. I'm still beating myself over the head because of it, so i dont need to hear it again. All I need right now is damage control.

However, how can i "turn up the heat" without coming on strong, and making her think I'm only doing it because she's pulled back so much? I guess what I'm trying to ask is how to be flirtatious.

I'm assuming I'm looking for speed seduction. But any tips will help at this point.

I'm also looking for ways to make a girl feel special without kissing her ass.


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Whatever she does, do the opposite when she's hot you're cold and vice versa-- eventually this will drive her crazy and she won't know whether to slap you or give you a hand-job. Interest is interest and there is a very fine line between love and hate-- at least they are feeling something! Frustrate her by doing the exact opposite of what you normally do and before you know it you will have reprogrammed yourself to do the right thing automatically without thinking too hard. You can't make her do anything, so make yourself not appear like a fool who will lick her boot soles for compliments.:D-- peace


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score

You can run with the whole when she's hot you're cold and when she's cold, you're hot but really that won't get you anywhere... it will have her thinkin but when she wants to give you some insted of obliging and gettin some, you play it cold and get none, becos? Girl will figure you out too, she's not THAT stupid...

Now if you really take control of this situation and give it out at your discretion... some days you're gona be hot, somedays you're gonna be cold, but do try to base it on things she does... what you really want to do is create that sexual tension between you cos nothin will keep her addicted to you more than good sex... you're hot, she's hot there's all these innuendos flyin around an girl wants to **** your brains out... then you need to judge when the time is right, makin her wait some before steppin it up and givin her some...

You're tryin to work her into a position where she's in your palm... being cold when she's hot will manouevre her in that direction at first but it won't seal it and plays out quickly... thus, you play hard to get physically but mentally it's all in place, innuendos in the air, sex is on the mind, but she's just not gettin it physically yet... win the mind over and then it's so easy


Mar 4, 2004
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Well he's gotta start the fire at least-- it's not even smoking at this point. Don't confuse the boy with steps 2-17 just yet. :D


New Member
Feb 25, 2004
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Actually, I've been reading the board for a while, just never felt compelled to post until now.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
However, how can i "turn up the heat" without coming on strong, and making her think I'm only doing it because she's pulled back so much? I guess what I'm trying to ask is how to be flirtatious.

I'm assuming I'm looking for speed seduction. But any tips will help at this point.

I'm also looking for ways to make a girl feel special without kissing her ass.


What she thinks is irrelevant.

That holds true for all women - your not a mind reader (unless they've started teaching this skill in school since I've left) - so stop second and third guessing whats going on.

The only thing that's important here is what YOU want - and how she act's and react's towards you.

Stop thinking in terms of damage control - because that's going to fvck up your game.

Stop thinking of what you must or must not do to get her. It looks like you can already bag this chick.

So now next moves?

I presume you have her number.

Call her up and ask her out to do something. Preferably base it around drinking - go play pool, darts or just go to a local bar or club.

Kino, Kino, Kino.

Flirt like hell with her - touch her. Get some drinks - lubricate with alcohol generously.

Don't force the issue - but when the opening is there make a move Kiss her.

Game over.