need advise for a friend, please help


New Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I was talking to my friend today. He has this one girl that he has been hanging out with for a while now, the only problem is that he still has a oneitis for the ex. Which is the reason that the new relationship hasnt progressed any in the last month. I told him that the only way to move on would be to forget about the ex and cut off all communication with her. The question now is, how to do that?

anyone have a good idea of how to cut off a friendship where there are still feelings for eachother?????


Senior Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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beat the **** out of him then tell him it was for his own good...

or just tell him that his ex is in the past now and she has moved on, and he should move on too.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
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Yea, it's not good to cling onto past relationships. My brother's a prime example. He's been in way more relationships than I have this year, and every time they end, he doesn't necessarily break off communication, he'll just make them realize that he doesn't and never did need them to get by. Most likely, if you go begging back on hands and knees to an ex, it wont do any good at all. But to answer your question, just knock some sense into him. I don't really know how you could do that since it seems that your friend is a little hard-headed, but eventually he'll get over it. Just tell him to focus on what's ahead, not what's behind.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2004
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somewhere in Europe
Talk to his girl. Prove her that your friend needs some guidance which, at this point, can come from her only. Cos we're talking about FEELINGS, which ain't sth you can control, nor just talk 'bout 'em and cool 'em down by doing that. This is not about a stubborn point of view- "I feel sth and I cannot ignore it". Not at all.
At this moment, when your friend cannot expose his feelings to her anymore, they're doomed to die out in a LONG period of time. And cause A HUGE AMOUNT OF PAIN. One thing that keeps the feelings "burning" are his memories. Every time he remembers the beautiful moments he has experienced with his EX, he feels pain. While feeling it, he wants her to come back, cos he was quite fine when with her, so basically he sees his EX as the only way out of the blues.
This is where somebody who can make his feel good steps in. Memories must be "overwritten" by newer, fresher experience.
Of course he's not gonna "switch the playaz" in one night, but it's gonna be WAY BETTER than just ignoring her AND ONLY THINKING no more superb moments are gonna come while being without his EX.

It's cruel, but it's true. When feeling down, YOU must HAVE somebody by your side. No matter if you're a DJ, an AFC or whatever. This is when someone emotionally "tougher" HAS NOT TO BE YOURSELF.

It's kinda messed up, but I hope you'll talk to his current girl and if she's gonna be cooperative, this'll help him for sure. Believe me.