Need Advicee


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
hey guys so I’m new the forum and I was looking for some advice on my current situation.

So Ive been talking to this girl for about a month and a half now….it all started when I got her number at a new year’s eve party. She was actually the first one to initiate the conversation over winter break and we made plans to hangout when we got back to school. When we got back to school, we continued to text and we made several attempts to meet up with eachother. Finally one night, she had begged me to to come to the bar. She seemed really impatient with her texts and so I showed up and one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. After sex she told me that she had liked me and asked me if I had liked her to which I responded yes to. She had also told me that she had been with a decent amount of guys and wanted to make sure that didn’t bother me. I honestly didn’t care. Anyway the next few days we continued to text and she even had asked me to have sex again with her. Our conversations were long and were playful and interest seemed to be high. Anyway the first time we had sex was a Saturday and so I texted her to come out the following Tuesday to which she ignored my text. I wasn’t gonna text her until she texted me first so I waited and she finally texted me the following Saturday to hangout. She had asked me via text to have sex to which I agreed to and we met up. Anyway after sex I began to feel her more comfortable with this girl and so I told her I wanted to get to know her better and started ask her more about herself. She asked me why..(which seemed puzzling) but anyway we talked about ourselves. Anyway when I dropped her off it seemed to be a little awkward, nothing that seemed to significant though. So the following Tuesday I texted her hey” to which she ignored and so I figured I’d let her text me first. Anyway that night I went out and saw her at the bar with her friends, although we didn’t acknowledge eachother ( I don’t think she ever saw me). The following Saturday she texted me at 12 am asking me what I doing. I initially ignored the text and then 5 minutes she called me asking me what I was doing , to which I responded that I was out of town for the weekend to which she replied "thats stupid" ( I don’t know why), she then proceeded to tell me that the reason she had called me was to see if my fraternity was still having party over one of our houses and asked me to find out if she could have come with her friends. Being a nice guy I found out for her and then told her. Initially I didn’t think much of this conversation, but now I feel that she had just used me to find out if she could have come over bc she was bored. I honestly genuinely liked this girl, but now I feel as if she may have lost interest. Any advice on what I should do next? I don’t want anything serious with this girl but if I could continue having sex with her that would be great.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Welcome to SoSuave, where we're good at seeing through things like this:

datkid55 said:
I don’t want anything serious with this girl.
When you say things like this:

datkid55 said:
I honestly genuinely liked this girl
You should stop liking this girl immediately. More pertinently, you should stop caring more than her.

Obviously the love bug you've caught is clouding your vision because this girl is textbook f-buddy. It's clear as day that all she wants from you is to be able to ring you up and bang it out when she feels horny. That's why when you text her for any reason other than getting down to business she ignores you. Ya gotta respect it, actually - she's quite efficient.

Watch out for catching those feelings, dude. Nothing wrong with liking a girl but this is NOT the girl. Continue your casual sex relationship and don't waste time daydreaming about it being something more or being worried that she's no longer interested. Plates like this fall and smash all the time. That's why we go to the IKEA and buy more plates.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
You're over thinking. Let her chase you instead of pushing for more and you will continue to get laid. Who cares if she wants to come to your frat party - that is part of your value as a frat boy. Embrace it. Be that ****y/fun douchebag seriously..

The proper response would have been "Depends..." "What's in it for me?" "Maybe... I've got enough girls chasing me around" "Are your friends attractive" followed by "Are they blondes/brunettes (whatever color her hair isn't)" or "No - you need to miss me"

See the frame here and what you convey? Whenever a girl asks a question (dating game) never give her a straight answer besides "no". Always make her invest, comply, and/or qualify to build attraction, establish your higher value, and make her work for your approval.

Stop with the needy i want to get to know you crap - She will reveal more about herself on her own besides that she is obviously a frat rat sloot and not relationship material.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
If she texted you and called 5 minutes later she hadn't lost interest. Just spin plates. Go out to the bar with another girl, hit on women around her. You've ****ed twice. Don't get all in your head about this one. She might just be one to next. If you don't grow attached you can keep her around as a **** buddy.