Hello everyone first off i wanna say that this is my first time posting here and i was told about this site just a few days ago by a member of a different forum when he read about my recent breakup. Ok so here it goes i was engaged to a woman we were together for 16 months and then she leaves me for another man. Before she left she was always real shady and not knowing about this site or what to do bein my first long term relationship i made some fatal mistakes. Now first i wanna ask about somethings she cheated on me which rule one is to leave her *** but like an idiot i stayed i actually cared for her and didn't wanna see her hurt which in the mean time i broke my hand a few times and now have a scar lol ya i know what a ***** but my own fault at the same time then there would be days where she would be to sick or to tired to hang out but then a friend would call and magicly she would spring to life. i shouldve walked away then i know then there would b times where she would go hang out with another guy and try to lie about it but im not stupid i found out about it. and 3 days before she left me she was ignoring me not taking calls etc so i was gonna leave her anyway then 2 days after it was over she texts me tellin me how she made a mistake and she loves me and wants me back how the other guy is bad in bed lol etc i never even thought of taking her back but i said i would talk to her later which i shouldve ignored her anyway so she again blows me off for 2 days and when i get ahold of her shes with the guy she told me she wanted nothin to do with and that she doesnt want me back like she said that she wants him. I said you're just ******* my head now so ya i have no contact with her and never will again anyway that was more of a vent than the actually question but now did i do something wrong or was she just a cold hearted ***** in the first place one i had no reason to be with.
Ok now onto more important matters im still upset over the whole thing more ****ed off than anything but ya i hate this i feel like i wasted 16 months of my life and hate that i have to start over, now ive read some posts and articles and its all about to not be to nice or be to affectionate but will that always ruin the relationship i mean i am just a nice guy by nature if i love someone and they are hurt or upset i wanna be there for them will that kill the relationship? Also i wanna be married i wanna have a loving wife that actually loves me unlike ***** number 1 do i always have to be distant or cold can i be affectionate you know kissing cuddling or anything like that without her always bein the one asking for it. I mean if i can find a woman who loves kissing just as much as me then great i found the one i want but what are the odds of that?
Also if im to nice and as u say reward bad behavior is that always a deal breaker i dont wanna just get up and walk out if she refuses to do something i want i'd feel bad but is that honestly the only way to make it work or are their exceptions to that rule. Now im going out on a limb here and asking for your guys advice and hope u dont bash me or make fun of me so please try not to. I'm not a bad looking guy in the sense that i have a decent face on the slim side but have good muscle tone but my teeth arent exactly great and i see on alot of ur guides that a smile is a big thing does this totally kill my chances or will i be able to find the woman i want. Any advice is much appreciated and i look forward to all u have to say on my venting and my questions thx again hope to hear back from you guys
Ok now onto more important matters im still upset over the whole thing more ****ed off than anything but ya i hate this i feel like i wasted 16 months of my life and hate that i have to start over, now ive read some posts and articles and its all about to not be to nice or be to affectionate but will that always ruin the relationship i mean i am just a nice guy by nature if i love someone and they are hurt or upset i wanna be there for them will that kill the relationship? Also i wanna be married i wanna have a loving wife that actually loves me unlike ***** number 1 do i always have to be distant or cold can i be affectionate you know kissing cuddling or anything like that without her always bein the one asking for it. I mean if i can find a woman who loves kissing just as much as me then great i found the one i want but what are the odds of that?
Also if im to nice and as u say reward bad behavior is that always a deal breaker i dont wanna just get up and walk out if she refuses to do something i want i'd feel bad but is that honestly the only way to make it work or are their exceptions to that rule. Now im going out on a limb here and asking for your guys advice and hope u dont bash me or make fun of me so please try not to. I'm not a bad looking guy in the sense that i have a decent face on the slim side but have good muscle tone but my teeth arent exactly great and i see on alot of ur guides that a smile is a big thing does this totally kill my chances or will i be able to find the woman i want. Any advice is much appreciated and i look forward to all u have to say on my venting and my questions thx again hope to hear back from you guys