Need advice to stop putting HBs on a pedestal

Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
NYC based & traveling worldwide
I've always met girls through my social circle, so I've been going out alot lately to improve my skills at cold approaching. A few months ago I didn't even open, now I'm comfortable opening, even get a few numbers here and there but I'm not building attraction for some reason, just being a friendly/funny social guy with girls that are 6's or less...when it comes to girls that are 7's or higher I notice that I really put them on a pedestal and feel that I'm not good enough for them...logically I know this doesn't make sense: I'm a good looking guy, funny and have a good job..but its a feeling that I get before I approach them regardless. Any advice on how to rid my brain of this thought pattern would be highly appreciated...


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
I think it takes practice, I got eerything down from this site 3 years ago... but back then I still did everything wrong, but with time I noticed many of my bad habbits started fading away...

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
l e g e n d a r y said:
when it comes to girls that are 7's or higher I notice that I really put them on a pedestal and feel that I'm not good enough for them...logically I know this doesn't make sense:
ask yourself this question: what can they offer you besides their good looks and sex?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Some people might think I'm trolling when I say this (as I'm a new member, I started a controversial thread etc), but I'm flying to Amsterdam tomorrow and getting several hookers, I want to have a threesome as well. It's legal and they're checked for STDs regularly so they're cleaner than the average girl you pick up in the club, they're young and hot as well.

When you pay 50 euros to f*ck an HB and get them to do what you want...then they don't seem so big and intimidating on their pedestal do they?

Devaluing the HB and increasing your own self confidence will get them off the pedestal.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
Beauty is the ultimate sh*t test. Says so in my signature, and in Neil Strauss' book The Game.

Think of it like this - the next time you see a pretty girl, you usually only have a few seconds to approach her, right? Mystery says 3, and I tend to agree with that. That means you have three seconds to picture her doing the most obnoxiously hideous thing in the world. Connect her with that mental image, and then approach. She won't be so scary when you picture her taking a dump, or doing something else gross and private, right?

There are a lot of ways to get over approach fear. A buddy of mine convinced a homeless person to give him a quarter. Went home with the hottest girl in the bar that night. He was a beast, and afraid of nothing after that. I went out one day and pictured each pretty girl I saw doing something really disgusting.

And then I learned about sh*t tests and how women, and men, too, will put you through hoops to get you to qualify yourself to earn their time.

Here's what it is - basic and simple as snow - beauty is a sh*t test. Picture an HB10 sitting in a bar. How many guys will NOT go up to her, but just sit and stare? Most of them. Probably 90%. Only 10% will go and talk to her. 3% will get a chance. 1 will fvck her that night.

If you're part of the 90%, you're going to feel like sh*t watching someone other AMOG go home with the girl you wanted. Be part of the 10. Stop feeling like sh*t.

Fear corrupts faith. Have faith in yourself, and you will have no fear.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
Go in the bathroom after they take a dump. dont let em spray. See if it smells diff from when you take a crap lol jkjkjkj

Beauty isnt the only valuable trait. Personally im more attracted to educated/intellegent women.