Need advice on what to do next


New Member
Jun 13, 2019
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Hello, everyone!

I'm a young guy (19) and I've been reading everyone's advice and tips in here, which I thank you all for.

I have been reading "The Rational Male" which led me to Sosuave.

Anyways, enough of that.

I met this girl through Instagram and she is from Argentina (she's going to visit my country), we're both the same age and we've been talking for about a week now.

We don't talk much because I try not to be too available and try not put her as my first priority (which she isn't) because I got other **** to do (uni, work, etc).

Anyways, after a week I ask if I can call her on the phone, and she said yes.

So we both started talking and she mentions that she's going to arrive in my country in the next 5 days, and I told her we should hangout which she agreed to do so.

Also, I'd like to point out that, during the call, she asked me where we should hang out and I was like " Well, it's not easy to make out inside the cinema, so how about we go starbucks?" which she replied "hahah, yeah sure we should"

Anyways, I didn't want to spend much time on the call due to the fact that I didn't want to let her think that I'm very interested in her (15 mins on call).

So, that call was 2 days ago and shes gonna arrive here in about 3-4 days and I haven't spoken to her at all (Call,Text)

So what should I do now? I was thinking that I should wait for her to arrive here and then arrange the time and date for us to hang out.

Any advice would be helpful! and also some first date advice. thanks!


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
We don't talk much because I try not to be too available and try not put her as my first priority (which she isn't) because I got other **** to do (uni, work, etc).
You shouldn't try anything... If you're genuinely busy then yeah, naturally you simply don't have the time chat a lot. It sounds like you're playing games, take a moment to reflect on how silly it is to put in fake delays.

Anyways, I didn't want to spend much time on the call due to the fact that I didn't want to let her think that I'm very interested in her (15 mins on call).
Again with the tryhard games. I mean 15 mins is enough, but you limit it for the wrong reason. You continue a conversation for however long it feels natural to do so, whether that's 2 minutes, 30 minutes or anything else. Showing interest isn't the issue, being way more interested than the other person is. So if she is totally into having a long call then showing roughly the same level of interest isn't bad.

So, that call was 2 days ago and shes gonna arrive here in about 3-4 days and I haven't spoken to her at all (Call,Text)

So what should I do now? I was thinking that I should wait for her to arrive here and then arrange the time and date for us to hang out.
Now would be a good time to set up the date. I say it again, do not be too distant and uninterested because she may very well believe you don't give a fvck and go cold on you. Many guys make the mistake of acting too uninterested, but it's just as bad as acting too interested. They don't like too much or too little, it's best to stay somewhere in between the extremes.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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I hope this is someone actually visiting your town. Some women you meet online make empty promises, so if she doesn't show, don't be too surprised.


New Member
Jun 13, 2019
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I hope this is someone actually visiting your town. Some women you meet online make empty promises, so if she doesn't show, don't be too surprised.
She's arriving in a couple of days. We talked again yesterday on call.

But I won't be contacting her till she arrives here. I already initiated my interest in her and she has as well.

Anyways, I'm still starting and I'm about to finish reading "The rational male". I gotta focus more on my purpose.