Need advice on going the next level with a girl


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hello people. I posted on here a week ago about feeling like I lost my power over telling a girl I've been seeing that I have feelings for her. I was worried about nothing - She has expressed that she feels the same way and she says all the right things. When I'm with her we cuddle and watch movies, talk, and I've hung out with her 4-5 times and the last two times I've kissed her goodnight. That is it. Just a simple goodnight kiss.

I really like this girl. I can tell she is a good girl. If I'm wrong about that then she deserves an Oscar for fooling me. No games are being played. I'm so used to the crazies, to the emotionally unstable girls, and yeah they can be fun for awhile but it's a road to nowhere. I don't wanna go down that road anymore. Part of me wanted to play the bad boy role with this girl but I'm realizing that isn't going to work. I can tell she doesn't want that. I've been straight up with her about how I feel and ever since I have it has been going just as smooth, if not better, than it was before I told her.

So what I'm asking now is how do I get this to the next level? I want to date her. I've played it right so far. I've been a gentleman. I am meeting her parents tomorrow night which is always a good sign she's serious. When should I grow a pair and finally ask her out? As far as our goodnight kisses go, I want something better than that. We have yet to share that "passionate" kiss that couples have. Everyone knows what I'm talking about - that moment where you quit with the two second kisses and really start getting in the moment. What's a good way to get in that mode with her and not mess it up? I know it sounds like I've never dated before but let me clarify that I have had my share of everything: good relationships, bad relationships, long relationships, short relationships, normal girls, crazy girls. I really care about this one and I'm on my grown man right now and want the real thing with her. Need some good advice on how to take it to the next level with her. Thanks!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you?

I think your already dating her kid! Don't confess your feelings and all that wimp sh!t. Roll with the good times, and set up the next date after you meet her parents. Start brain storming!


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Depends on her age....

And ...Next level... I guess you should slow down.. Maybe is a trap somewhere.. I have just a feeling..

If you really want to go to next level .. Make her do something for you.. But you want to much.. Not many woman really give next level in a true way..Maybe love is damage your thinking..

You sound like a good man and you want a real relationship.But stay alert..Maybe is a trap somewhere and it will hurt more if you try..

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
AthletesRun24 said:
So what I'm asking now is how do I get this to the next level? I want to date her. I've played it right so far. I've been a gentleman. I am meeting her parents tomorrow night which is always a good sign she's serious. When should I grow a pair and finally ask her out? As far as our goodnight kisses go, I want something better than that. We have yet to share that "passionate" kiss that couples have. Everyone knows what I'm talking about - that moment where you quit with the two second kisses and really start getting in the moment... What's a good way to get in that mode with her and not mess it up? Need some good advice on how to take it to the next level with her. Thanks!
First off, congrats on finding a "sane" girl. As hard as it is to believe, they really DO exist out there, so when you get one you definitely want to keep her around.

I'm going to give you some advice right now. Some of it may sound unconventional, or you may worry that it makes NO sense. However, the things I'm telling you are things I've had personally work for me, and got great results with the girls I did them on.

First off, the "meeting the parents" thing? Way too soon. If you've only been out with her 4 or 5 times, that's not quite enough to start being introduced to family members. By doing so, they will now also be involved in your guys' "relationship" - and seeing as it's not much of anything yet, you don't want that happening. (Of course, based on the date of your OP you've already done this, so hopefully it went well.)

With that said, the fact that she wants you to meet them DOES signal that she has a strong interest in you and feels you'll be around for a long time.

As for when you should "ask her out," I'm assuming you mean "when should I ask her to be my girlfriend?" If so, the answer is simple: you don't. You wait for her to ask a simple 4-worded question:

"So... what are we?"

When she asks you this, it's her way of hinting that she wants you to give her the title of girlfriend. If she wants this to happen, she'll ask it sometime within the first 3 to 4 months of you dating.

In the meantime, DO NOT BRING IT UP. If you're asking her out on dates and she's saying "yes," you're doing your job. Don't feel like you have to be in a rush to make her your girlfriend - like I said, when she's ready, she'll bring it up, and you can proceed accordingly.

Lastly, the "passionate kissing" is something YOU have to be lead dog on. And, believe it or not, she's waiting for it. If she's letting you kiss her at all, it means she's open to having your lips on her for a longer period of time. If you're nervous, start out by making the kiss last 5 seconds, then 10, then 20, then moving your tongue around. You kissing her longer will make her feel more desired, and she may even start pulling YOUR clothes off first! (TRUST me, I've had it happen before, and it is AWESOME.)

Hope this helps!