Need advice (confused)

Long Duck Dong

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Outside your window
Alright so lately ive been seeing this girl who is new in town. We've been getting together a few times a week for about 1 month. I feel like I already landed in the friendzone and she has a boyfriend back in california. Im 18 years old and she is 17. I feel she has an interest in me because she is the one always texting me to hang out with her. Maybe because she is new and town and i'm the only person she really met so far. We seem to have fun when we hang out together and we use "kino" on each other. But lets just say its never gotten any further than hugging. Her body language is telling me that she is interested and some other signs of interest. but I feel i've been waiting too long to make an advance on her. Probably because of the fact that she has a boyfriend and have been respecting that by holding out on further advances. (I guess i wont know until i make a bigger advance.) So am I just being played like a chump and chasing after something that wont result into anything good? I am still new at all of this and your input will be helpful to me. I just dont want to f#ck myself in the end.

A post from CHALLENGE GUY that caught my attention:

She gives you all the signals but keeps talking about her BF :

Translation : " I have a comfortable relationship with my BF (he’s rich/he’s got a big car/d!ck, whatever). I won’t leave him for you, but flirting with losers like you is my favorite hobby. I like to feel desirable, beautiful, lovable. Once you are hooked, I mention my BF and Gosh do I love to see that desperation in your eyes! Jubilation! Oh…the poor little teddy bear has a crush on me. Oh… you are so cute… "

So right now one side of me is telling me to forget this B#tch and move on cause she already has a relationship and she is just playin me. Then the other side is telling me there could be a chance with her.

Lets just say im stuck at the crossroads looking for guidance.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
You'll never know if you don't try. It's a numbers game. She'll either fvck you or not. Find out and see. It's not a big deal to try. She will at least respect you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah sh1t or get off the pot. Seriously - just make a move and you'll have a better answer than ANYONE on here can give you. The other side of the coin is - she already has a b/f why bother - there are zillions of girls out there.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
I will not contribute to the delinquency of a minor!