Need advice about girl


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
So met this new girl a few weeks ago. Friend of a friend. Got her number that night I met her. Texted her every now and then....Week and half ago, we met up went out to a bar and made out. Then took her on a date this past Wednesday and it went amazing lasted 6 hours and we made out in the parking lot for 30 min.

Next day, we go boating and she is like can I invite my best friend I was like sure. We go boating and she is like sorry if I'm not all over you because my friend feels like the 3rd wheel. So I'm like no problem. After boating her best friend is waiting in my backseat and I'm like I have to use the bathroom. My girl comes with me and as we cross the street I say "if your friend wasnt here I would slam you against the wall and have my way with you". She got super turned on and we ended up getting it on in the bathroom there.

We made plans to hang out the next day for one of her parties. I texted her the next day saying what is up, she was like not much how is it going. Anyways she said it wasn't healthy/safe for her to be hanging out so fast so quick with somebody. She has been in relationships like all her life and wants ease into things. She said her last relationship has caused her depression, but when she is with me feels better. So I say no problem we can play the rest of the weekend by ear. I text her Saturday one time and no response. I text her Sunday one time and no response. I didn't send any texts after I got no response from the first one.

She is kind of a wild one and has just gotten out of a relationship 3 months ago. But so far I haven't texted her since Sunday. What are my options/ plan of attack from here forward? Wait for her to respond to me?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
When you f*cked her in the bathroom, you took the locus of control. She felt it and is backing away in an attempt to take it back. Don't let her do that.

She'll give you all sorts of excuses about why she needs to take things slow, but who in the h*ll said anything about a relationship? It sounds like you wanted to f*ck her. Don't give any of that any serious consideration. If you want to f*ck her again, just let her go.

Have you ever gone fishing before? Sometimes, you have to let the fish take the bait for a while before you set the hook and reel them in. It's the same with the girl. Your d*ck was the bait... you won't set the hook if you pull back on the rod too fast, you'll just pull it out with nothing attached to it. Give it a little bit of time. I think what you said about playing things by ear was fine, but i would have just gone no contact after that. I don't think the texts on Sat and Sun were the end of the world, but don't text her anymore.

Wait like a week, and you'll prolly here from her in the meantime. If you don't, send an authoritative text setting up plans like

"I see us doing X things on Friday night. It's going to be great... you game?"

Say whatever you want, just make sure you say it in a way that is direct. She'll either accept it or you won't hear from her again.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
It became pretty apparent when I saw

'and the next day we did this, and on the next day we planned that'

that this was going to end exactly as it did.

Things were all fun and games until you laid the pipe and now you're both planning your week like a married couple.

You went from 'having fun' to acting like you are in a relationship in what, 2 weeks?

While her excuse may seem plausible, the real reason behind her sudden confusion is that she is testing you.

Out of all the tests, it's one of the low blows, but you still have to play it out.

She's testing your value. She wants to determine:
A) How hard it is to obtain you (most women believe emotionally the harder, the more valuable).
B) How much you need her.

Ultimately, she's probably not even doing this consciously. She really is telling herself that she wants to 'take things slow', but subconsciously, her emotions want her to test you so she can determine your worth.

If you would have simply told her, 'that's fine' after she pulled out this test on you, then you pass. You don't need her. You're not that desperate. You must be of value.

Unfortunately, you did almost the opposite and dragged on the whole weekend, asking her to hang out even after she pulled this move on you.

With that said, I've never thought one small thing like that can derail things w/ a woman.

You should be tasked with simply talking to other women and having fun--because after all, that's basically what she told you to do right?

You'll see that when you accept the test and ignore this power play & move on, that she'll begin to trust that you're of enough value for her.

best of luck


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks guys, keep it coming. Sounds like no contact for at least a week until she talks to me?