Need a Little Advice


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Ok. I know I'm an idiot, but here goes. Another thread asking for advice. I probably already know the answer, but a good boot to the head would be good.

Ok, another girl caught my eye (if anyone read past threads I made, she is not the same girl). She a pretty cute and smart asian girl (got into Harvard, though came here for full scholarship). I'm attracted to those nerdy type girls for some reason. She fits the smart and stressed out asian girl stereotype to make it the easiest to explain.

I met her during orientation but so far I haven't got a lot of chances with her, for the past two months we mostly met here and there randomly but usually got about 5 minutes before we have to go.

Ok, the above doesn't really matter I guess, but I think its important to make the full picture.

Today, I finally got a break and we both were not rushing to something so we took a walk.

Now here's the rub. I learned from facebook (she put the status on recently... and recently took it back off) and limited conversations before that she has a boyfriend from high school. From he walk, I somehow manage to idiotically stir to that topic and learned that they broke up for they understood long distance relationship sucks and recently go back together because they both feel unhappy during college (she is having a hard time adjusting to college life).

Usually, I would take it as a red flag to get out as I don't like the idea of going after taken girls as it goes against my morality. I aslo take it as a sign of disinterest and that even if I manage to pull it off, why would I want a girl who is willing to leave the last one? However, I learn also that she currently see relationship as "best friends only with hugging," she see him as a "big brother," and she don't plan to see anyone sexually (ok, that's a bad sign) along with saying "I'm only 18, maybe 10 years from now." I'm taking the last one that intimacy with him have been quite low. If it wasn't for the fact she call him a boyfriend, I would think it is a friendzoned guy. Along with the fact she tries to arrange to work out together a lot and so on (I guess that what her actions shows), I'm not sure where to put her.

I like nerdy girls like her, but I'm not sure how to face the matter of her having a ldr boyfriend. So I keep pushing? Should I back off? What about the ethical issue and the fact the guy sounds more like a friendzoned guy than a boyfriend?

Thank you for any advice.

DJ Wrangler

Don Juan
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
San Luis Obispo, CA
CollegeLife said:
Ok. I know I'm an idiot, but here goes. Another thread asking for advice. I probably already know the answer, but a good boot to the head would be good.

Ok, another girl caught my eye (if anyone read past threads I made, she is not the same girl). She a pretty cute and smart asian girl (got into Harvard, though came here for full scholarship). I'm attracted to those nerdy type girls for some reason. She fits the smart and stressed out asian girl stereotype to make it the easiest to explain.

I met her during orientation but so far I haven't got a lot of chances with her, for the past two months we mostly met here and there randomly but usually got about 5 minutes before we have to go.

Ok, the above doesn't really matter I guess, but I think its important to make the full picture.

Today, I finally got a break and we both were not rushing to something so we took a walk.

Now here's the rub. I learned from facebook (she put the status on recently... and recently took it back off) and limited conversations before that she has a boyfriend from high school. From he walk, I somehow manage to idiotically stir to that topic and learned that they broke up for they understood long distance relationship sucks and recently go back together because they both feel unhappy during college.

Usually, I would take it as a red flag to get out as I don't like the idea of going after taken girls as it goes against my morality. I aslo take it as a sign of disinterest and that even if I manage to pull it off, why would I want a girl who is willing to leave the last one? However, I learn also that she currently see relationship as "best friends only with hugging," she see him as a "big brother," and she don't plan to see anyone sexually (ok, that's a bad sign) along with saying "I'm only 18, maybe 10 years from now." I'm taking the last one that intimacy with him have been quite low. If it wasn't for the fact she call him a boyfriend, I would think it is a friendzoned guy. Along with the fact she tries to arrange to work out together a lot and so on, I'm not sure where to put her.

I like nerdy girls like her, but I'm not sure how to face the matter of her having a ldr boyfriend. So I keep pushing? Should I back off? What about the ethical issue and the fact the guy sounds more like a friendzoned guy than a boyfriend?

Thank you for any advice.
I dont see the point in not continuing to push this? why not you have nothing to lose right? unless you just want her as a friend so u can get help with your homework...
but if I read it correctly if shes trying get to workout with you (im assuming the gym) then you should totally go for it. taking a partner to the gym is one of the best ways (ive found) to increase sexual tension...
any care to disagree?

I SAY go for it!


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, Tx
LISTEN to your gut. No girl sees a serious boyfriend as a “big brother” .. lol did I even read that right? That’s just some fool she is keeping around til she finds someone shes actually interested in. C’mon you know that…

Another vote to push forward. :up:


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, you read that right. I don't think he is a fool that she is just toying, but I do think her attachment is weak for a relationship. Anyone else have anything to say?