need a legend Don Juan's advice


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Well i've posted here before and got great advice so I'd like to say thanks first off.

The story now is the girl I was seeing kinda got over me. She was lookin LTR and I was just trying to have some fun. We went on one date but i never followed her up. I did some pretty jokey jerk things but never messed her about.
Past couple of weeks I realised what a great girl she is and wanted to finally take it onto the next level.
Too late!
Theres another, older guy honed in on her. Yet he's still involved with this other girl, who he likes way more i think. He gave his other girl an ultimatum to get bak with him by today and if she dosnt he'll go in for my girl.

whats the best strategy to intrigueing her once more?
I really want to call her over for 2 secs in school or somewhere out and tell her i wanted to know if she saw us now as just friends, and if she did I would honestly be sweet with that, I just have to know whether she has any regrets.
If she says she wants to be friends I'd probably bear hug her and lift her up, run away and take her home.
I need to get over her soon, get onto to bigger and better things or get with her!
Cheers lads


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey bud,

How are you doing today. Good I hope. Now I'm no legend by no means but it seems no one has answered you. So I'll help you out.

The one place to look for "legends" is forums but they are way older than you and wouldn't even answer your question. Seriously, they will just yell at you because this is a simple case of "I WANT WHAT I CAN'T HAVE".

I mean think to yourself what was it about her that even though it's so special you manage to miss it when you had her. I personally think that you should forget about this completely. If you go out and meet other girls you'll find in some of them exists the same special thing (whatever that may be).

But since I'm nice, I'll give you the stragery to get her back. She did this to you first most likely unknowingly. What is it she did, you ask. Simple, she got you jealous. Your move right now if you really want her is a jealously plotline.

You go approach other girls and when you know they are into you, you either pivot them (that is you approach your one-itis with them, not to display or whatever but just to talk) or you just put you and them in a position where she has a clear view. That's all I can say, bud. You make the decision on what your next move is. Jealous plotline or Move on.

Marvel IQ


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks mate!
Thing is i've got myself hooked on her. I've got plenty of offers from other great girls but I just don't feel as attracted to them as I am to her.

I think she got annoyed with me in the first place because I was spending too much time with other girls, so i don't know if the jealous plotline would work.

I'm goin to approach her when i see her next (Tuesday) and ask her if she sees us now as friends, she says yeh, ill say good, no regrets, and we could be open like we used too. Give her a hug. All that. I'll probably get over her after I get that cleared up and start likin these other girls lol.