Need a comeback


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
this is childish drama, but I need mature advice...

Okay so my gf has one of those Live Journal things. Like an online profile diary thing or something.. nothing like MySpace, it's more for personal use. haha Anyway, as someone who does not have an account (me) you can still leave a comment, as anonymous entry. So I left her something stupid like hey had fun last night, blah blah... This was a week ago.. today I am on it and see someone else left her a comment. It was from some guy she went on a few dates with before me and her even met. The guys sounds like a fuking idiot.

He also made out with his best friends girlfriend, who also happens to be a good friend of mine. So I already dont like him, based on the fact he messed around with my friend, and also dated my gf at some point.

So the guy says this: "It's a shame when you let something so good slide right through your fingers........see you at your b-day party" (we are throwing a party for her in a couple weeks.)

So I see this, and I am thinking "okay first off I've heard your a ****ing idiot from her, and I doubt you'll be recieving an invitation to our party, second the fact that you messed around with your boy's girl says alot about your character, and third I know for a fact this guy is trying to piss me off" (which he did) So I held back in replying back with something retarded, and decided to seek your guy's advice.

I think it'd be fuking hilarious to call him out on what he did with his friends gf... just something super subtle.. I dunno, what you guys think?

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Well mature advice from me would be not to get involved in a childish drama.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Panda 2000 said:
Well mature advice from me would be not to get involved in a childish drama.
Exactly, don't pay it any mind because that type of behavior is beneath you. If he is trying to piss you off, then there is a reason for it (jealously, envy, etc.).

And don't post any comments on her Journal, those things are just a tool for people who want attention. You've got better things to do with your time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Well, she is your girl now right?
If so, who cares what some other guy had with her, as long as he isnt trying to move in on her while you are with her dont worry, and even if he is as long as you are acting and treatin yo girl the right way, he wont have a chance. Don't be jealous or pissed at some ex, it makes u seem weaker. I mean he lost her already, you got her, you already ahead of him, I mean it doesnt make sense to be jealous of someone behind you in the race.

Like panda said, dont get involved *says like he is italian* Forget about it!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Kings_royalty said:
Don't be jealous or pissed at some ex, it makes u seem weaker.


Read this until you have it committed to memory.

Its been my experience that if you give a girl space (that likes you) she'll seek you out. However as soon as you start to get involved she'll start to back off. Unless she is in physical danger from this guy than the best thing for to do is stand back.