NC worked out! Totally hopeless situation - Now hopeful! :D


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2012
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Just posting this thread to let you all know that NC do really works out to get back with your ex girl friend, no matter how hopeless the situation seems! ( I don't mean to say that NC is all you have to do, it's just to kick start the relationship again, and then you can improve youself, otherwise it will end again like it did before)

Here's my whole story:

So you see how hopeless the situation was? It seemed like nothing can bring her back to me now, she said all worst thing's on my face!

Today morning, i received her text in which she told how sorry she is and guilty she was feeling due to this, and want me back.

I dealt it in a cool way and somehow got back with her, of course there is still some kind of lack of attraction but the best part is, she is giving respect! unlike that old bad and cold attitude. I'm doing my best to bring back everything to how it was at first.

But yes, No contact worked out for me. Otherwise with all my begging, i could have lost her forever. :)



Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
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Champboy, get your head out of your arse you big sissy.

NC isn't about getting your precious girlfriend back. It's about getting over her.

You are weak and foolish. And you are a danger to the young men here who are confused about "how do i get my girlfriend back?"

She's dating you now. And soon she will realize that you are the same oversensitive, lovesick sissy that you've always been.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Danger said:
It's been a week. You have turned nothing around.

In fact, you are hung up on a girl to the point that you will "do anything to get her back".

No contact is not meant to get her "re-interested" in you. It is meant for you to move on with your life and find a better prospect.

I bet she will still change her mind about you and start a break-up all over again. Not to mention that she probably fvked a guy or two during your one-week breakup.
thats what people always miss about NC. NC is a last ditch effort to get that one girl out of your head so you can move on with your life and improve yourself to be something better.

NC should be NC and shouldnt be broken for any reason, it should be used to turn yourself around, it doesnt take a week, month, but YEARS. NC takes a long time, you had feelings for this girl, hard feelings, you arent getting over her in a week. Over the course of the next week in NC youll start to think about her and then let your mind slip back into a mini depression about this girl.....

Trust me, it has taken me 1.5 years of NC to get over this one girl and I still see the b1tch every now and then but you know what? It starts to phase you less and less.

Thats the glory of NC and the victory of NC.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
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gpshields3 said:
Champboy, get your head out of your arse you big sissy.

NC isn't about getting your precious girlfriend back. It's about getting over her.

You are weak and foolish. And you are a danger to the young men here who are confused about "how do i get my girlfriend back?"

She's dating you now. And soon she will realize that you are the same oversensitive, lovesick sissy that you've always been.
Congrats, Champboy... You got gpshields3 to comment on YOUR topic.

That ain't no small thing.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
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Man I tried no contact, this girl who told me how much she was in love with me and asking if I'd give her kids one day, I was really happy with her and thought she could be the one. Anyway, she got a little cold toward me one day and texted me saying she didn't know about us the relationship and distance was so hard for her.. I wound up taking her out to an expensive dinner, wrote her an email telling her how I felt, and kinda begged for a chance to show her that things will get better. When I got home, she called me to make sure I was ok, then I went NC, and never heard from her again and its been over 4 months lol.

Sometimes its hard to believe that a woman can tell you how much they love you and say so many great things about you, then just leave you one day out of nowhere. I learned the truth about biitches from this, they aint shiiiit, dont listen to what they say. Just worry about ****ing them, and only worry about yourself and your goals in life.


New Member
Sep 21, 2012
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I don't want to sound rude, but this girl will probable leave again.

To make any woman be attracted to you, you first need to have your own life, your own dreams and goals. The result is that girls become something you add to your already full and complete life, not something you need to complete yourself.

Judging by what your posts, you think of her as something you NEED to be happy, this kind of thinking will only give you trouble.

To change this attitude you need to have your own life, here's some advice/tips to help you get started, tough each persons need something different,

-Get in shape if you aren't.
-Get well dressed and groomed.
-Learn something new (musical instrument, sport, whatever) If stuff is happening in your life, you become interesting and attractive.
-Make new friends, and date new girls, this will open up your mind a lot.

After you are a different man, you may feel different about that girl. If you still love her, then just let her notice you and let her chase you. If you are a new man and you can show it, she will be the one trying to get you.

Good luck ;)


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2012
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As i can see from your post, this girl is doing with you exactly what my girl did. Just make her belive that you're not going to tolerate her sh!ts and see how she chase you. Make her believe you can leave any time if she did not gave you what you want out of her. :) She came back to you after such worst break up means you still have great chance of getting back with her like before. Just be a confident man!