Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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"1% wealth disparity propoganda"?? If only it were propoganda.. Id be thrilled with that. We have a horribly unequal country with a government that is run by the private sector. Check out the predator state by james galbraith, this doesnt need interpretation or anecdotal IME, just basic measurable analysis.

Empty character assassination statements like "eckhart tolle is a charlatan" are not worth my time to respond to.

Your dating advice is on point though, i'll refrain from pushing political discussion any further here..


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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I've never really cast a distinction between the many cluster B personality disorders we guesstimate women have here. Only if an actual doctor made the diagnosis would I take it literally. To me anyone talking about BPD just means it's a cluster B disorder.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Long post, skip if don't like long.

jurry said:
Empty character assassination statements like "eckhart tolle is a charlatan" are not worth my time to respond to.
Ironic in that it wasn't me, but -you- who posted the following, "look at dasein's typical libertarian 'I don't give a f-ck about anyone else attitude' that has crippled and corrupted our economy over the last 30+ years, for example," with no accompanying reasoning whatsoever. So chatter on about "empty" character assassinations, hypocrite. I didn't attack any poster here directly, -you- did. I don't know you from Adam nor vice versa, but that's the exact kind of double standard entitled attitude NPDs I've come across in life have displayed over and over.

I don't go far off topic here all that much, and promise I'll relate the following to the topic eventually.

1. I don't need to be cited to some "Predator State" book written by a leftist hack son of a socialist hack father to understand the truth, that free capitalist markets have brought prosperity to all of us, not just the rich, but all, in the 20th and post 20th centuries. I'll let the cheap computer and forum I'm typing on and posting to demonstrate that QED, together with 100 other life enhancing devices and services that capitalism has provided I could look around and name in my house right now. Maybe China, Russia or some other planned, hyperbureaucratic state would have created the consumer computer, telecomm and net revolutions... maybe a monkey just flew out of my ass.

Capitalism did that, not government, not bureaucrats, not hard science or any other academics, certainly not any shill named Galbraith, capitalism and capitalists got all those innovations into common people's hands via funding, development and marketing, and did so through voluntary transactions. Finance and voluntary transactions, strong property rights favoring innovation did that. Neither you nor Galbraith, nor any of the whiny resentful left can get around that clear historical fact.

2. The only thing that has "corrupted our economy" over the last 30 years (70+ years actually) is big "progressive" government, the illicit growth of the Executive Branch to date:

to the point where by my estimate, 1:4 of the adult workforce, excluding SS, medicare and welfare, are directly dependent on government via overpaid govt jobs, academic grants, govt contracts and dependent industries. THAT'S a real problem, because a fiat economy crumbles every time. How many recent historic examples would you like?

Moreover, fiat economies, not voluntary ones, breed corruption, due to less competition. Or I suppose it was just an accident that China, despite having an immense head start in culture, innovation, standard of living, near instantly faded way behind the West over the last several hundred years because it remained imperial and hyperbureaucratic. Score... Enlightenment pragmatics, strong Lockean property rights, constitutional govt, capital markets 1, planned, hyperbureaucratic central economies 0.

3. The 2008 mortgage meltdown was caused by many factors, government meddling in mortgage markets towards illicit, expedient stimulus for 70 years chief among them (Oh, you believed all that flag waving "owning a home is the American Dream" crap? Sorry bout that). That part was not partisan, but all on biggov as a whole. Govt has no business whatsoever in mortgage markets, either as an originator, insurer, consolidator, NONE. No one dared take the crack pipe out of cracky's mouth once he was hooked, though, so we built to a multi decade, good old fashioned blowoff top that was going to happen eventually.

Some factors were partisan, Reagan and mostly Clinton relaxed the antitrust laws to the point to where banks were using their inflated stock prices to consolidate the entire consumer banking industry. Those of us in the industry at the time were like, "nah, that will never survive FTC scrutiny" but guess what? they did! The laws were there, no antitrust regulations were repealed (GLB/repeal of Glass Steagall are leftist hokum to deflect from their god big gov's role and make it look all partisan, had very little effect on the overall blowoff). So why have costly regulations when the state doesn't enforce them? The govenment -is- predatory in one way, it sells graft to the highest bidder, but that doesn't come anywhere close to indicting markets, but large, central government. Low central power, less graft to sell. Kill the brain, kill the ghoul.

Then there was CRA, "hey let's tell all these freshly minted 25 year old MBA megabankers that replaced the gray hairs out in the field that unless they start meeting arbitrary CRA quotas, we will sic the EEOC on them. If they complain, just tell them 'don't worry it's all insured by us, you go ahead and loan to that meth dealer in the slum, biggov will be there to pick up the pieces.'" Nah, that didn't have -any- impact at all on the overall degradation of credit and lending standards in these gigantic megabanks making credit decisions via committee 500 miles from the site of the actual loan. Perish the thought.

All the "it was derivatives, it was securitization, it was greedy Wall Street?" all BS to divert attention from the real culprit, government meddling in markets where central govt does not belong, illicit govt graft of relaxing preexisting antitrust law, govt forcing subprime lending down the banks throats. See a common denominator there? It begins with a "g."

4. Turning to "wealth/income disparity" and why it's a very good thing. How much do you think Jesus could have sold the secret to feeding 5000 with a basket of food for? How much could he have sold "water into wine?" Would you buy it? I sure as f would. Why? BECAUSE THOSE THINGS ARE MIRACLES THAT MAKE MY LIFE BETTER. OTOH, let's say someone tries to sell you a used condom for $500? You'll keep your money in all likelihood. And with that we explain income/wealth disparity right away. In times of MIRACLE LEVEL INNOVATION, people are willing to trade their existing property, including their work and $$ for the miracle du jour. Once they have the miracles in hand, wealth/income dist regresses to mean.

So we see two great "wealth disparity" periods in the 20-21st centuries. First was in the early 20th century... when everyone wanted things like refrigerators, movies, electricity, cheap cars, MIRACLES they never had before, and miracle makers got stinking robber baron wealthy. Perhaps you'd prefer a more equitable wealth distribution then and no cars, electricity, refrigerators, movies, etc.? Perhaps you'd prefer giving up all those things in exchange for not having a Depression? Fine. NOT ME! I'll keep my car, phone, electric light, yaddayadda. As those technologies matured and had fully proliferated TO THE COMMON MAN, and as all those mean ole robber barons were stepping all over themselves to GIVE MONEY AWAY, doing things like building libraries in thousands of towns across the country, wealth disparity trended back down.

Fast forward to the computer/telecomm/net boom. Once again, we have cheap miracles proliferating rapidly due to capitalist venture finance and marketing, once again we have wealth disparity due to voluntary market transactions making innovators and miracle creators stinking, filthy rich. GOOD! Let them keep innovating, let them keep using their money to create more miracles. What does government do with our money? Solyndra and farces like this:

I don't care if the guy who made my cellphone go from 3 pounds and $500 a month in the 80s to 3 ounces and $50 a month today builds a pyramid of gold encrusted toilet seats, don't care if he buys a mountain of crack with it, don't care if his dogs eat better than I do... just keep making my cellphone better and keep his wealth from getting pissed down those government ratholes.

Just like the wealth disparity accompanying the tech boom of the early 20th century normalized over time, so shall the computer/telecomm disparity. I'm not telling anyone anything they don't already know though. Only a retarded leftist low info voter with 0 private sector experience would believe otherwise. "Damn that nefarious Bill Gates has 60 billion! WEALTH DISPARITY! WEALTH DISPARITY!" as the dude is giving it away literally as fast as he can. It comes down to whether you want a man like Gates deciding what charity to give to, or schmoes like IRS agents making Star Trek vids? No reasonable adult believes Gates is burying the stuff in his backyard. Only Occupy WSer types and other ignorant ****s believe such.

5. Now, around back to the thread topic. We all know the above pretty instinctively. For any American or other industrialized Westerner to sit and claim that there are some truly deprived poor here is asinine. The facts of "income disparity" are clear in obvious historical context. To argue against the above longwinded screed of mine reflects either 1. callous, intentional political propagandizing, 2. stupidity and utter disregard for facts clear to even schoolchildren, 3. an NPD "gimmegimme Imaspecialsnowflake" frame of mind.

So, jurry, in your case, which is it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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How is that character assassination, i feel i represented your attitude towards others pretty well. Thats the american dream isnt it, pull yourself up on your own, and if you cant.. Well too damn bad.

Your post is very muddled and all over the place, but ill just point out the most obvious problem.. That you keep citing the tech boom and internet as thd great capitalist success story when the research and work that led to the internets creation was funded by the government, and carried out by the public sector. Large scale, costly, risky innovation like that does not come from the private sector, they are simply waiting on the other end to use the technology to create all sorts of products.. Which is great. But please dont be that ignorant to think that the success of the US has come entirely from private enterprise. What caused the US economy to roughly double in size after the great depression? World war 2 far and away the biggest factor.. Brought on by, you guessed it - government spending! Same thing that brought us out of the mess in 2008.

Typing this from my phone which is a pain in the balls but ill add more later if you insist on continuing ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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jurry said:
How is that character assassination, i feel i represented your attitude towards others pretty well. Thats the american dream isnt it, pull yourself up on your own, and if you cant.. Well too damn bad.
You don't know squat about me personally or my supposed attitude. You didn't address anything in my original post directly. What you did was drop a turd about my supposed "selfish libertarian attitude" with no reasoning accompanying, now trying to NBD and back off via mealy mouthing in the above.

jurry said:
Your post is very muddled and all over the place,
It's long, but neither of your above descriptions of it is true. You just can't answer it with any detail or reasoning.

jurry said:
when the research and work that led to the internets creation was funded by the government, and carried out by the public sector.
Not the first time I've seen the "cave men who invented the wheel or the dinosaurs who ended up tar get credit for the Maserati and the gas in it" retort from a leftist. If the government "created" the internet, this forum would have ten different login screens requiring different passwords, 5 would lead to a unrecoverable crash, search engine queries would return the result "why do you want to know that?" 50% of the time, we would all still be on 14.4, and youtube would have one video, a 300mb file of a pixelated elf jumping up and down on a rotating ball that would take 30 minutes to load and play.

Same applies to all government "innovation." When costs of war in human life and regulatory/bureau $$ is factored in, the government "creates" nothing but waste and retards legitimate commerce. Capitalists and financiers, lots VCs in Menlo, "created" the modern computer, software, internet." Same principle for all the early 20th century innovations that created wealth disparity in that time.

And really, even in war and research, the government itself creates nothing. What it does is decide, usually with some graft motive, which private sector interests to take from and which to give to. Government contractors create and innovate, government? not so much.

jurry said:
Same thing that brought us out of the mess in 2008.
I don't know what's more obnoxious, your statism, your Keynesianism, your knowing error (lie) that we are "out of the mess in/from 2008," or your ignoring all the detail in my long post in favor of a very weak appeal to war as innovation. Notice I didn't mention flight in the long post, it was for exactly that reason. Sure we have lots of BASIC (and outrageously expensive) tech due to war and government spending, but that never gets turned into marketable innovation and proliferated to common people without sophisticated, free capital markets.

jurry said:
if you insist on continuing ;)
There's nothing to continue. Your claim that I am selfish doesn't bother me that much, your claim that the libertarian attitude is selfish is much more annoying because it's leftist propaganda hot air I'm tired of hearing. Since you have demonstrated you can't found your prior propaganda statement with anything resembling a rational argument, no need to continue.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Lol i get it, you dont like government. Fortunately we live in the world of recorded facts though, so this information is all easily accessible. Go read up about the creation of the internet (or nanotechnology, wind and solar power, drug research, etc etc.) and get back to me about this theory of yours.

We are certainly out of the mess from 2008, not prospering but indisputably better than where we were. If you look at the countries who followed the libertarian "government is the devil" austerity model you can see how they all recovered in comparison to the US ;)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I'm somewhat amazed that any NPD would come here because that attitude is basically chick crack
Not necessarily.

I don't know if I have NPD and I'm not one to self-diagnose, but I'm definitely somewhere above average on the narcissistic spectrum. One of my roommates said that I act like I think I'm more important than everyone else or not beholden to the same rules. I don't consciously consider myself better than anyone else, but I think that I do at a subconscious level and it comes through in my behaviour.

Back to the point: there are different kinds of narcissist. There's the cerebral kind and the somatic kind, and there's also the vulnerable and the grandiose kind. I used to be more of a cerebral and vulnerable type of narcissist, so I was intellectually arrogant but deep down I had low self-esteem. These days, I'm the grandiose cerebral type, meaning I'm still intellectually arrogant but now I have genuinely high self-esteem. And as my self-esteem has increased I've also become a little vain, taking on some of the aspects of a somatic narcissist. For example, I frequently look at my reflection while I'm walking along so I can adjust my posture, because I want to have perfect posture.

The basic defining trait of narcissism IMO is the desire to be perfect and the belief (conscious or not) that it's possible (for you, but not for others -- I used to think other people had somehow failed to figure out that perfection was attainable). Some narcissists might think they're perfect already, but I never did, I just thought I was able to become perfect. One of the ways I tried to do that was through Stoic philosophy. I've managed to let go of trying to be perfect because I'd regularly get fed up when I failed to reach it, but I still have a lot of features of narcissism. The downside -- for other people -- is that I no longer pretend to be an ethical person. My old false-self felt genuinely bad when he lied because he wanted to be perfectly honest. Now I lie pretty much whenever I feel like it and don't feel bad. I figure I never really felt bad, I was just so good at pretending that I even fooled myself.

Anyway, I didn't mean to turn this thread into my personal blog. Sorry for that. (Kinda ironic in a thread about narcissism, eh?)