My point is to work on oneself instead of using gimmicks, stories, canned routines etc...
Think about someone having to lose weight. There are two ways really. Take a bunch of pills and fad diets, or live a healthy lifestyle where the weight will come off and stay off.
Too many people are looking for a shortcut, the easy way.
Truth is, there is no easy way, and any results gotten from gimmicks and routines will be short-lived.
It's like "Tyler Durden's 25 points" - it only addresses the symptoms, and not the cause.
If someone gets their Inner game together, most if not all of those 25 points will take care of themself.
And, having to DHV will only DLV - think about it.
It's all about Inner game. Get your inner game together, and everything else will fall into place.
I've been in the "community" off and on for nearly 10 years, and have tried numerous "methods" from numerous "gurus" and what became obvious after awhile is that no method, no matter how good, will not get results unless the inner game is fixed.
Unfortunatley, many people will never get that, and become Boot Camp/Seminar junkies, going to the next "hot" method, the next "hot" guru, but still not getting the results they desire.
Buying more and more seduction products, learning new methods, techniques, lines, routines etc... and still not getting the results they want.
Don't fall into that trap, or the trap of the easy fix, because it's an illusion.
Look at all the guys that shelled out $4K for Style's Annihilation Method.
How many of them have gotten the type of success that was promised to them?
Unless they did some "change" work, and got their inner game together, I bet many of these guys have buyers remorse right now.
Remember, for these seduction gurus, this is a business, and their in it to make money, to keep you hooked so you will keep coming back and buying more of their products.
It's not in their best financial interest to have you succeed.
Someone here once said something like "To get the Woman of your dreams, you need to become the Man of her dreams"
Superficial things like "the cube" and stories and routines and negs won't get it done.
Also, this isn't directed at Mystery, who I've met, heard him lecture, and have a ton of respect and admiration for, but I think what he offers falls way short of what most of his students need.