Mystery, from another angle...

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Ok the DJ Bible says you should not talk about yourself all the time because it makes you mysterious and women just LOOOVE mystery!

Well I don't how much the mystery thing is true, but there are other reasons to not talk about yourself all the time...

First of all every other guys talks about what fun they had over the weekend to everyone at work or whatever. They are bragging, a sign of insecurity.

And most everyone does this, you will stand out by not talking yourself up.

Let real recognize real. Insecure people may not see anything that stands out from you, but secure people will. And most often the Alpha's are the people that are self secure with a high self-esteem. And those insecure beta's are gonna follow the alpha's lead and soon enough your the man.

But then how do people get to know you?

You don't have to let people know everything about you for them to like you. Let people in slowly. You don't have to tell them everything, only let the people you like "in".

People that don't know anything about you will like you because your fun to be around. How do they know your fun to be around if your not telling them about your wild nights on the town? Because your having fun when they are around and what do you know, so are they!

I gotta say that it might be key to actually have a life to this stuff to work very well. Its great if someone from whatever group of people you know, see's you out having a good time, you don't go off telling everyone about your great night on the town, or hot girl, and they hear all about it from someone else that saw you there, you look pretty cool.

Anyway, I'm rambling I think ya'll get the point. Just wanted to expand on the idea of Mystery alittle.

Mr. Mystery

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
That's a very good point. Plus people will want to get to know you because they don't know that much.

I think if people know too much about you that great air of mystery is gone.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
Good point, however,
I would not recommend this in High School

The reason is that if you don't say anything, people will assume you're a loser with no life who spent his weekend watching TV and playing video games.
In HS, most people assume the worst unless you prove to them the best. It's a tough crowd.
So, you have to give them something to put in their pipes before you sit back and let the mystery build.


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by seloifter
The reason is that if you don't say anything, people will assume you're a loser with no life who spent his weekend watching TV and playing video games.
I agree, and not just in the high school context. In my normal life I don't talk about what I do on the weekends or whatever. I kind of compartmentalize my life in fact. When I'm at my martial arts class I don't talk about what I do outside of it, the same goes for at work. It's no something I'm doing intentionally either, but when I then hear people talk about me they all seem to assume that I don't do anything; of course that's not true.
