Myspace vs Facebook


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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myspace got over-run by spammers trying to promote their business. I was getting sick and tired of getting friend requests from businesses.

Sorry, I'm not joining a social network just to get bombarded with things like that.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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That pic was gross! On several occasions I've seen pics of women trying to act hot with filthy apartments and piles of dirty laundry and fast food cartons lying about.


New Member
Jul 29, 2009
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hahaha that pic is hilarious but like Wiesman said, spam ruined them.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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The title of your thread is misleading. I thought this would be a real debate between the 2 networks. Instead, this is just you saying "this is why myspace sucks".

People are always so quick to say that myspace is dead. If anyone remembers, facebook wasn't nearly as popular as myspace a few short years ago. Facebook has caught on now but myspace could easily bounce back.

This could be an ongoing war, everyone shouldn't assume that is over.

I personally hate facebook and will never join it. Myspace is 10 times better!

-you have the ability to better customize your page. My female friends and I always have a competition dressing our pages up for holidays.

-the ability to put music on your page blows facebook away

-the user interface is way better on myspace. Whoever designed the interface on facebook is mentally challenged.

-myspace has better privacy options..

Even if Myspace really is dead and loses the war....people will leave facebook one day and move on to the next big thing. I for one will be all about that when it comes along.

So get off your high horses facebook people. You too will become obsolete. Lesson learned: don't get too attached to your social networking sites...they come and go


Don Juan
May 19, 2009
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Facebook has better core development over flowing of Applications like you can play Poker,Harvesting and plenty of stuff, Your network will easily get updated because of your Status updates also at facebook you were not able to upload multiple pictures you will browse your pics file name from local, but that was before now totally changed upload pictures as many as you want, The only thing with facebook is you are not allowed to customize you own profile unlike in Myspace.

King Turi

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
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I used to be all anti-facebook for no reason really, I guess I just couldn't be bothered being on two of those kind of sites really (was primarily myspace).

Eventually I was dragged into creating a facebook and I find it to be more along my lines, myspace is too flowery/girly for me.. like, you don't need to customize your page or anything.

I only pop on to facebook/myspace to talk to people I don't see too much really, the whole put music on your page and customize the appearance thing doesn't really appeal to me.. my myspace looks just like every other myspace page haha, and I got a song on it, but I don't really get enveloped in that kinda thing.

More people I know for real use facebook, so I guess that's a major factor in me preferring facebook as well.

I don't use the internet to try hook up with chicks though, no need.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
I got rid of both. I figure if it's always better to seemingly meet people you knew in person by random than to just constanly blab about what you're doing. It makes it feel like you're ruining any suspense about yourself and taking away from your mystique. Imagine being able to just sit in a room and hold every silent while telling people about what kind of adventure you had verses writing a few lines for people to see. And truthfully if what little I write online can capture that many people, I'm writing a book and making them pay instead of just doing it for free!
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Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
Da Realist said:
I got rid of both. I figure if it's always better to seemingly meet people you knew in person than to just constanly blab about what you're doing. It makes it feel like you're ruining any suspense about yourself and taking away from your mystique. Imagine being able to just sit in a room and hold every silent while telling people about what kind of adventure you had verses writing a few lines for people to see. And truthfully if what little I write online can capture that many people, I'm writing a book and making them pay instead of just doing it for free!

I don't go on Myspace much anymore and will not get on facebook because i think both are just a way to waste time on the internet. not to mention it's so impersonal