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myspace is for losers, haha yeah right. (part one of a possible two)


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score

I'm constantly perfecting my real game, and i'm working on my myspace game pretty hard also.

This summer I haven't posted much on this forum, or read it. Thats a good thing because i've been going out with dozens of amazing girls, but its a bad thing because I need to brush up on my skills.

I noticed that alot of people diss myspace, saying only wussys do it, and there is nothing but internet weirdos on there.

Myspace is not my only method of meeting girls, but its a good suppliment to meet fresh hot girls.

I will not post my profile on here, because there are some douche bags that will send girls links to this thread, and thats lame but I can't compromise myself, so I won't do it.

This is going to be a two part post, the first post will be about fishing for girls, and how to talk to them. If there is any interest, i'll post something about perfecting your profile.

I will give some tips to getting super hot girls to give you THEIR phone numbers, and ask YOU out on a date.

First thing is to get a browser that does tabs. I like mozilla firefox. Second is to punch in your settings into the browse button, set your age, make sure its set to single girls who are looking for, then choose all four after that, and make sure you have ones with pictures only selected also.

Do it within 20 miles of your house. Now depending where you are, you will probably have 1500 girls to look at that are within 20 miles of your house.

If you aren't getting laid every single night by a different girl then you are a retard, this is almost too easy.

Just open up profiles in tabs, and do it as fast as you can. Add all the hottest girls that you can. Don't add any girls that you don't think are hot, don't add any fat chics, don't add people that you don't want to talk to. I will sit there for about 20 minutes just adding girls.

Now, wait a day or so, and see that you have a ton of "friends" on there. Here's where it gets a little more involved.

Comment and private message girls. Here is my advice with comments. Do not say anything sexual to hot girls. Do not say oh baby your so hot, or oh nice skirt. Every guy on myspace makes this mistake and they look like idiots.

Pretend like you have a connection to the girl, if you see that she went to X school, say hey I was just there partying with some friends, I hope to see you around sometime.

This works for her job also, say hey thats weird we work on the same street, talk to me sometime.

Read her profile and comment on her hobbies. Ask her questions in the comment.

This makes you stand out from every other idiot that says "hey baby my **** is nineteen inches long". Guys who post comments like that are myspace tools, and the only guys who get anything with comments like that are guys that are bodybuilder models, and most of you aren't it (neither am I)

Sometimes i do image comments if its appropriate. If she posts hot pictures of herself with her friends in cancun, don't say wow you girls are hot.

Say, hey that looks familar I was just out that way. It sure was a fun time, it looks like you girls had a nice time also. Talk to me sometime.

Lie your ass off. Say oh I just got back from Miami, oh this and that. Oh we just went skydiving.

The combination is to make one comment either an image comment, or a profile comment. Don't comment all her pics, you look desperate. One comment, one private message.

Now the private message works like this. Just say hey I'm reading your profile and i'm amazed with blah blah blah, or I like blah blah blah. If your free let me give you my SN.

Now this is you just starting, you have to make the first move when you first get rolling on myspace. When you get really good at it, and get hot girls commenting and messaging you, you won't have to add ANY girls. They will add YOU, and they will give you their phone numbers without any effort.

So, by then a girl will send you her SN or something. Send her a note right away. She wants to talk to you, so do it.

Tell her funny stories about what you did this weekend, embellish it a bit. Tell her nerdy stories about how you were talking to this girl at the bar, and you told her that you loved her green eyes and she laughed and said hun my eyes are blue.

That is one of my stories, a true story. You guys can use it, girls will laugh and laugh.

Tell them good stories, and ask them questions about their life, their school, their hobbies. Ask questions!

Don't blab on about how you work out, and your a tan ****er, and you bought ten muscle shirts. Its lame.

Then get a little emo with her and tell her how your just looking for love, and how lust without love is so trashy.

By this time, you will get the aww, your so cute comment. Then I usually throw in the yeah i'm a nerdy guy, what i say is from the heart.

Done deal, then you END the conversation. Set a timer of like 15 minutes for a chat session. You do not want to look like you sit on your computer all day long and try to meet girls (event though you are). Say, hey i gotta meet my buddy for lunch. Hey I gotta go to the office. Hey I gotta get my hair cut. ANYTHING that sounds semi cool. Lie your ass off again. Then use the block feature on AIM to block her until tomorrow. Block will make you appear like you are signed off, and she will be thinking about you, she won't be wondering why is this kid online 24 hours a day? Unblock her the next day and say something funny or cool.

A quick sidebar, BUY a copy of deadaim. You will need it. Here's why. These girls will have names like xxlovelyblonde39823xx, and when they message you, you will have no idea who the hell it is. And saying who's this, will make you look like an idiot.

Deadaim has two very important features.

The first is RENAME, which allows you to rename her aim SN to her actual name, or her myspace name. So when she i'ms you, you can say oh hey Kelly whats going on, i was just wondering about you. Setup a group for only myspace girls and dont' call it myspace, I call mine temp. TEMP is girls i'm trying to mack, once their my friends, they get moved into the friends group.

The second and third features of deadaim is SET IDLE, and message while away.

You want to appear like you are never on the computer. SET IDLE lets you appear to be IDLE meaning, there is no activity going on your computer. Your SN will DIM. Add yourself to your buddy list so you can verify that you are IDLE. Use your away messages to make yourself look cool "going out with some friends leave one for later".

The last feature is message while away. You can send a message to someone while you are away. This is very useful if you want to leave a message for another girl that is away but you don't want to appear that you are active, so that other girls don't see that you are online.

By this time you have three outcomes. Both are in your favor, either

A) she says well give me your number I want to get to know you. (Extremely hot girls will get your number but not give theirs out. They will call you private so you can't see their number. I get this alot, and the girls who call you private are 10's. They are hot and they know it.)

B) she gives you her number. You then give her your number and tell her to call YOU. Then you tell her right away, be careful giving guys your number who you met on the internet, its risky business there's alot of weirdos out there. She will laugh then say aww thanks your too cute.

c) She will say ok bye have a nice night, then send you a note or something and want to talk to you some more on instant messanger, and you get another chance to get the number.

All three situations are win, you can not be beat.

Final tip, is to clean up your discarded girls. AND get some GUYS to post comments. Get your buddies in on your game also. Get your buddies to post comments that said hey man i had a kickass time in canada, or whatever. GET GUY's as FRIENDS in your myspace friends list. This makes you look like you aren't out to bang as many girls as possible.

Here's what i mean by clean up your disgarded girls. Leave a comment, send a note, if she doesn't reply or if you see the note you sent as status READ, but she didn't reply within a week, then delete the girl!

Do it. I keep my friends at like 50-60, and its crazy, I delete people every single day. Now i'm looking at my "friends" and I know probably 80 percent of the girls on there, and i've banged so many of them its amazing.

If you do it right, all of your friends on myspace are people you have actually talked to or know in real life.

Thats how you run myspace game.

Comments will be appriciated.

I'm not sure if I want to post pictures of the girls I've gone out with because i want to be anonymous. If someone gives me FTP access, I might post pictures for a few days then delete them.

Peace guys,


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
After reading this post, I have concluded that myspace is indeed for losers.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJuanMonk
After reading this post, I have concluded that myspace is indeed for losers.
Thanks for sharing, i'm a very happy loser then.

Its a good suppliment for 18-25 year old guys to meet girls, especially college girls but it doesn't wotk too well for the older crowd, older guys on myspace appear creepy.



Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
I've met a lot of girls on myspace, but i prefer the thrill and excitement of picking up girls in the field.


New Member
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
can we get some pictures of you, or at least what you would rate yourself in looks?


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
I got 4 replies back from girls in the 6-8 range on myspace.com this week (I'm not kidding), so I am going to try some of the tips you suggested, but I don't know 50 guys who can put fake posts on my page.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
I haven't ever tried picking up girls on myspace (I don't think I'm going to start now either), but it is a fun little thing to do in your spare time. It's a way to stay in touch with people, design your little "space" (kinda like showing off your room), and just enjoying comments or whatever. Maybe it's just because I'm in high school and everybody has one...but that's me.

It's not just for losers...actually..."losers" at my school kinda stay away from it cus they know they won't have any friends to look at it


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I think this was a good tip with specific suggestions. I'd like to hear all of the rest of your experience with Myspace. If no one else is interested you can pm me even.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
good ****. its funny how easy some people pick up chicks on myspace, you dont even have to try. good to supplement to your game, but not rely on.