My take on "game" - in a few sentences


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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At the end of the day everyone knows how to get girls and get laid - it is our human instinct. Allow yourself to get primitive - in our civilized society, "dating" is one of the last remnants of our uncivilized past. When push comes to shove game is about being the king ape from animal planet. Don't biitch and whine about the ladies who only want "guys with money and muscles and a nice car and a macho attitude" - push to be that fuucker just like very other guy who is not on this sort of website does. That being said - consider no woman out of your league - dont way until you have the money get some now. Get in with the in-crowd and the cool kids - the frat boys, the cool thuggish guys - but don't let alcoholism and drugs drag you down. FInd real people to emulate and learn from who ARE NOT INTO GAME or all this online stuff - and learn from them. Finally - pusssy attracts pusssy. If you got bitches - it ain't hard to get more. Work your way up. Lower your standards if you must.