My Successes and Problems after reading much of this Forum


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Now i'm no DJ or anything like that, I was a normal AFC, but wanted to turn it around a few months ago when I met this great girl (who I've moved on from for now).

Anyway the stuff on this site really helps.

Basically there's the good and the bad stuff going on atm. The problem I have is moving up stages, so I'll first explain what good there is and move onto problems. Just a quick note to say I go to a boys school, just so you know I don't see girls regularly.

Basically I see these girls at some classes I go to on saturdays. After trying out my DJing skills... one girl there is practically in love with me. She's the one in my class who talks to her mates about me etc. So this may sound good, but later on i'll explain the problem. Next good is that I now easily come up with witty things and chatup girls more easily, getting them interested quickly and being able to pass tests.

Now before you start thinking I'm a God or something (lol), I'll say that this is mostly done through MSN :( That's why it sucks. The girl 'loving' me is done through her being in the same class for a few hrs, but the rest is chatting on MSN. Especially recently with maybe 3/4 girls, I've been trying out different lines etc and its been going good. The only problem is its on stupid MSN :(

So I know I can do it online... but I don't want to just be able to do it online. I want to be able to see new girls and be able to have the same effect on them as done through my online chatting.

I'd say this is an improvement from me not being able to do anything at all. I've been told that I have interesting, indepth conversations, that i'm funny etc. It's all there.

So good= improvement, bad= just over MSN. How can I escalate this further... note this girl's live in random places which I don't know. I just want people's ideas on how I can move this further. It is starting to get boring talking on MSN.

Another problem is that the girl who likes me... I don't like back. her friends keep asking me about it and that i should ask her out w/e and its seriously starting to piss me off. i've told them i'm not interested in her. i'm not sure whether i should just leave it, or do something about it. i'm afraid of the situation getting too awkward.

One more random question, girls start talking to me and say 'I'm bored'. So why are they talking to me? Because they want me to cheer them up :D or because they jus cba to do anything else.

Anyways thanks for reading this. Don't be too harsh guys I'm still learning - and improving.



Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Ask to meet somewhere. That's how you get past your 'don't want to do it on msn' and 'I want to escalate'



Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Mah man, you might have missed the concept of this site. You focused on the techniqes to much. They are just weapons, what you really need is the skill to use these weapons. You get it? Rome wasnt built in a day my friend, be happy that you are actually improving, its not long that you will be mixing your MSN skillz with your normal live convo skills. Thats how I started out, through Yahoo messenger, You get practice until eventually you get so used to the thoughts coming up automatically that you'll have no problem with it. You just gotta man up a little bit when it comes to live convo's get ur self confidence up, start working out, Thats the best advice anyone can give anyone with low self esteem, Work out, just read pooks post about what skinny guys should know

And besides, this website has a lot of bull**** and helluvaLOTTA good tips. You just gotta seperate the good from the bad and find what works for you the best.

Bro, just keep practicing, if it makes you feel better, YOURE ON THE RIGHT TRACK! you just need to keep trucking forward, practice, practice, practice, Talk to girls that dont make you nervous, ones you arent that interested in and practice on them,

hope this helps


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
ye its good to know i'm on the right track :D

there's the other 2 questions there if you wanna try answering them:

Another problem is that the girl who likes me... I don't like back. her friends keep asking me about it and that i should ask her out w/e and its seriously starting to piss me off. i've told them i'm not interested in her. i'm not sure whether i should just leave it, or do something about it. i'm afraid of the situation getting too awkward. what can i do bout her?

One more random question, girls start talking to me and say 'I'm bored'. So why are they talking to me? Because they want me to cheer them up or because they jus cba to do anything else.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
@ Kizza - I cannot answer your first question - I am actually in that situation right now. As for your second question, if she says something such as, "I am bored." - shoot a ****y/funny comment at her. An example is shown below:

Her: Man, I'm so bored right now.
Her: You're bored? How can you be bored if you are talking to the most irresistible guy on the planet. ;)
Her: (Laugh)

Do not accept what she says - if she is bored, prove her wrong by making her feel that when she talks to you, all that boredom goes away and that you are an interesting guy to talk too. Another example is shown below:

Her: Man, I'm so bored right now.
Her: Well, you won't be so bored once this conversation is over. ;)
Her: (Laugh)

Try simple things such as the ones I have suggested to you above - they aren't the best ones I can come up with, but as you master ****y humor, you should be able to think of your own examples. Good luck!


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
mah man, if you cant answer question 1 for yourself, how you gonna deal with 10 girls liking you and you not liking them back, Its in the not too distant future and you know it. Youre on your way there,

my advice would to let her friends now FLAT OUT, you dont like her, make it clear to them, stop flirting with the girl and treat her like everyone else so she dont get her hopes up, Dont pay her too much attention and make it clear through your actions that you dont like her, dont confront her with it unless she confronts you first, Iam sure you have a lot going on in your life right now.. focus on that. Tell her friends to shut up about it(in a not to jerk-ish way) but make sure they get the point. its basically all about self improvement and moving towards your goals so you dont have to deal with **** like that, you get me?

with regards to number two, They prolly just like your company and want you to cure their boredom for them, Hit up a c&f line like sniper said, it gets her laughing and entertained, then she is bored no more, flirt with her if you like her, if you dont, dont waste your precious time on them..

Her: Iam bored
you: i found this line around this forums but i forgot who said it if its mr fingers or someone else...but it goes like "does that pick up line usually work for you?"


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
lol ok thanks for that. for question one, i've been doing that and will pour it on a lil bit more. question 2, i've been doing that anyway but was jus wondering why they say it. good to know i'm heading on the right lines. thanks.