My story


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Edited due to:
I got the info I needed from some helpful people. Thanks.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Side note: Sorry for mostly rambling but I need to get this stuff out, it has been eating at my for years and its time for me to deal with it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
wow that harsh man. seems like you'v been through a rollercoaster of emotions. Im sorry to here that. It sux to be in siutaionts like that, especially when you'v been with her that long. My suggestions is make sure you really go through the bible. For one thing your actions are extremely AFC (not trying to be harsh but its the trugh). Had you put your foot down she would have either left you a long time ago b4 you in love with her sinche she could not use you as a boy toy or you woulda have left her because you would have not put up with that crap. What she did 2 you it nothing but crap man. I know its hard for you but even if she still wants to be with you...... i'd say you need to leave. This relationship is not healthy and both of you are not benifitting from it. You could be spending time looking for a girl who will treat you right then this one who just plays with your emotions and does not care.

Check out Tony Robbins Personal Power. This success program rreally works with all areas of your life. I think you could use it and it does cost a lot but its worth every penny and then some because you cant put a price on happyness

anyway goodluck man


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
How should I handle this when she does come home?

by Agent47

If she does not bring it up. YOU will. Break it off with her. Just tell her you dont want this. If she says that to you. You agree.

Now this is what you do:

go to your moms. My brother moved back in at 28 and didnt move out til 32 so he could get on his feet (he flunked out of college). Its not that bad man. seriously you need to get out of there man. RIGHT NOW. Staying near her will implement the same feelings you had with her and you wont be able to rid yoru AFCness and oneitis. When she starts dating other guys how will you handle it???

My older brother's best friend was in the exact same situation. He had been laid off and his GF broke it off with him. he decided to stay and live with her. It was terrible. He was a rollercoaster of emoitons and started drinking heavely. He became overweight and even though they were separated.........they still argued! all the freaking time. It was like they were still togethor but without the sex. So he finally decided after year to get the hell out of there. Hegot a job working at a liqour store and moved out. and you know what? not even 6 months later he found another woman. And she was happier and better then the last one . She did not have the same ups and down like the other one. So he worked at the liquor store for a while and then he got a better job working for a cable company. Well they kept going and stayed togethor and after year they got their own place.
That was a couple years ago and in the summer they are getting married.

It shows how there could be THE ONE girl for you around the corner. THis girl is clearly not it.

MOVE IN WITH YORU PARENTS. You are alreday being humiliated in front of this girl constantly. moving in with your mom is a step up. least she wont attack your man hood. And she will support you. Your not getting any support from this one......your being used as support for her stupid childish games.

GET OUT OF THERE. it wont take long to get back on your feet + maby you could go back to school living with your mom. maby become a plumber? electrician? that does not take 2 long. My brother after flunking out of college is becoming an electrician.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Get a life!

Listen man, you accuse this ***** thats owning you of being addicted to unhappiness. If you weren't addicted to unhappiness you would've left this girl a long time ago!

Drop the used baggage and move on. She has herpes forchissakes!!! HERPES! Are you DAFT?

I do not sympathize with you one bit. So, here's what you do to end this: GIVE HER AN ANGRY PIRATE! What's an angry pirate you ask?

Ok, get her to give you head. When you're about to ***, pull it out of her mouth and shoot her in the eye. Then kick her in the shins as hard as you can. Then run away. Angry pirate!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Agent47
Every time she has cheated she wants to leave me but I talk to her and she stays.
You deserve every bad thing that comes your way - it sickened me to read your story and see that you are such a pvssy and major chump - the biggest chump pvssy I've encountered on this site!!!! You deserve death so as to save the integrity of all men - you are a poor example of a man - in fact, you are not even a man!!!!!!!!!!!!