my story afc to player, long but read if u want


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
hope this may motivate people into becoming what they wana be! thought id share my journy as i know people will have been through the same stuff.

growing up i was always bad with the woman. i had no girl friends in high school. i had my first proper kiss some time near the end of high school with some random slut who was younger than me and pissed. i had no clue what i was doing. she offered to sleep with me, i got afraid and left. then in college. i had onitis for a girl for two years, eventually i slept with her. till this day im not sure why she selpt with me, maybe out of pity maybe she was drunk. i used to phone this girl every day, talk to her for hours on end. get really anoyed if she talked with another guy, told her i loved her even though we wernt going out, we hadnt even kissed. onitis is a mother f**ker.

then i finished college and found a site called and started to find the online comunity. i used to study the forums there and the articles (i wouldnt recoment this site unless you want your game to diminesh completly) and then i found this site. i read the bible and everythign i could come accross, i came onto the forums every day and would spend about 4 - 5 hours just reading through peoples problems and listening to peoples advice. i thought i was preparing my self for everything BUT i was not in the field yet.

i started posting advice to people (under a different name) and it was pretty good advice, i had positive feedback for my advice but i was STILL not in the field. in my head i was a pick up artist but really i was just a KBJ with good knowledge of the game.

then came the time to go out there and do everything i had been reading about. i went out into the field and i never tried anything. my excuse at the time was " i know exactly what to do to get her into bed, so i cant be bothered or i dont need to. but i could if i wanted to". what aload of bulls**t.

i had no confidence, no experience, no motivation, no game, no nothing. i knew what i wanted to be, i had the means to get there but i did nothing.

about 4 months later i started meeting some new friends (guys) who would introduce me to woman that they knew. then i found something out. i had no problem talking to woman i had been introduced too. im a fairly good looking guy and i do have greate outgoing personality. i found my self generating attraction with these woman and i didnt know why.

after doing some more reading of the stuff i had started to read along time ago when i found this site. i had realised that some of the stuff i had been reading had been burned into my head and i was doing c&f, i was negging, i was being a mystery but i didnt realise it. any way i slept with a few of these girls and had thoes short term relationships with them. they would always leave me because inevitably i thought i had found me a good looking woman and did all the wrong things to try and keep her but ended up scaring her away.

this was on my way to university. i knew i had to make some changes, i did not want to go to uni as a looser like i was in school and college. (although i had great fun at both, i was a failure with woman yet i would not trade the experiences i had).

i went out into the field. i started cold approaching. my first cold approach was in a bookshop with what i would have said at the time was a hb9.9 but now would only say about an 8. i worked the whole, u look like an avid reader, im looking for a book to get a woman but have no idea what they read. the conversation lasted about 5 mins. i asked open ended questions, asked her about what she does etc. i didnt feel comfortable asking for her number so i just thanked her and left. after that my confidence was off the chart. i wlaked around town looking for more girls to approach.

the next day the confidence from that approach was gone. i had to start over again. i went clubbing alot and thought i would work my game in the clubs. i would make eye contact, look for IOIs, i would fluff talk but never take it past that. i guess i was scared but i was not scared of rejection, i had been rejected and i did not care. maybe i was scared of success i dont know. im a good dancer so when i dance i get attention, me and my friends will get girls coming over from the other end of the dance floor to dance near us. yet i would do nothing.

after way to much money wasted on nights out with no closes what so ever. (appart from the odd few girls who i may have kiss closed but they led the whole initiation from the opening to the closing) i decided that was enough. i stayed at home and i read alot more untill i felt like i was able to jump back on the horse.

I think this was the turning point in my PUA life. i was in a popular club one night and there was a hb8 but she was an awesome dancer, she was daning on the stage the whole night. i watched her thinking my god if she can dance like what imagine the things she could do in bed. i watched her reject alot of guys. but i thought to my self they dont have what i have, so i approached her from behind and complimented on her dancing but threw in some ****y stuff like i could dance better. she tells me to prove it. i danced but mimicked her movements (girly dancing with the hips n sh*t) i wasnt impressive but i had her hooked, i was taking the piss out of her dancing. then i asked her if she was any good at dancing with a parnter, she told me better, i told her to prove it. so we danced and i ended up kiss closing her. and almost f**k closing her if it wasnt for her moody friend who had not found her self a man and wanted to go home.

i guess after that i had a ****y attitude and confidence had improved a little.

from there on where ever i went i would talk, be **** and flirt with any girls i saw. not cold approaches but friends of mine, store clerks etc. this made my confidece go through the roof. i started to look at myself in the mirror in a different way.

i would still read everynight but something was different in my head. i decided i didnt need this stuff any more. i know what i want and im damn well guna get it. i quit the boards, the books etc and went into the field alot more. i would dance with any girls that came close to me. i would flirt with every girl i saw. i wasnt using any openers except Hi or Hello. i wasnt using any routines i was simple being myself but confident and a little ****y and arrogant. (making sure the arrogance came accross as a half joke if that makes sense. you know the type where some one cant see if your joking or telling the truth). about a month later i was dating a cheer leader. i had found me a good looking girl friend who would boost my social status imensly. i was dating a cheerleader and people knew this. it made me attractive. the strange thing is it went to my head but in a wierd way. instead of becoming an ego maniac dating a cheerleader and braggind about it. it made me super confident. i knew what i could get if i put my mind on it. the bad thing was i ended up cheating on her with a hotter girl. (in the begining i wanted to be a player, i hated girls for the way the put me in the friend zone all the time. i wanted my revenge). so i cheated on this girl BUT the nice guy in me felt bad. so i broke it off with her. then i ended up getting with the girl i cheated on her with. i stayed with her for a year and half. we went through alot of ups and downs, i lost my self, found myself then lost myself again. i become insecure, jelous paranoid. the things that scare girls off. but i never showed it so she never left. i took some space from her and started to read again.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
while i was still with her, i was back out in the field, i never cheated. thats not the guy i want to be i made that mistake once and threw away a good girl because of it. but i would get to the point with other woman where it was MY choice to take it further. my jelousey and insecurity had gone completly. our relation ship was getting better in terms of a relationship but without all the drama in my head i was bored. i ended up leaving her to become the guy i wanted to be. A PLAYER, now you may flame me or whater for wanting to become a player but thats my choice. im not looking for a girlfriend but the one thing i do is tell the truth. i tell every girl im with. im not looking for a relationship im looking to date and get to know people. u know the MLTR speach. some woman have left because they want more. others stick around. as i write this i have 2 woman messeging me on messenger and 1 other texting me all asking me what im doing tonight.

now when i go to clubs. i look for the girls im really attracted to and apprroach them. if there not interested there not. i dont even see rejection any more it doesnot exsist. im not up my own ass to say well its there loss. there could be a million factors as to why they dont want to get with me. i dont really care. most woman are receptive any way. when i go on the dance floor and woman come near me. i will dance with the ones i find attractive. i usually dance to 1 or 2 songs. if i havnt kiss closed them by that time i will take them off the floor and talk to them. find out a bit about them. theres not a night i go out where i dont kiss close some one, number close or f**k them. and even then i dont really care. if i get nothing i can go round one of the girls im datings house and f**k them if i so wish.

in terms of being a decent guy. i guess im really not in some people eyes. i have a bad reputation of being a player but im happy. is that not what matters most. personaly happynes? i dont treat girls like crap. if im not interested in them after dating them for a few weeks i will put THEM in the friend zone.

im exactly the person i want to be now. im going out in about 30 minutes and i garuante you i will be coming home with some one. but in the end the people that are where i am and the people who will get there will all realise that woman matter very little in terms of having a life and having fun. when you cant get them you get obssesed with getting them. now you can have who ever you want its not so appealing. id rather spend time improving my life. my studies and having fun with my male firends.

things to know: i live in the UK so things may be a little diffierent in the US. i am a university student, age 20 and go for girls my own age range. i dont use routines or anything like that. no NLP, SS, MM etc. i am myself only confident and dont take no bullsh**t. i can see through womans tests. most woman dont bother testing me because of my attitude but if they do they get there ass handed to them big time. im fairly goodlooking i get told, id say average. i dress smart all the time. i dont peacock. i guess what im saying is im being ME. the game i have developed is projecting a natural me and the person i am. pulling rabbits out my ass doesnt work for me like it does for mystery.

excuse any typos im in a rush, if any one needs more info feel free to PM me about anything. ill be happy to answer. (and just so u know one girl has just told me she will wear a bunny outfit if i come see her tommorow ;) ) life is good!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
lol... cheers'
Good Post.

I'm sure many will find some self-reflective truth in this.
I know I did.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
playboy_supreme said:
in terms of being a decent guy. i guess im really not in some people eyes. i have a bad reputation of being a player but im happy. is that not what matters most. personaly happynes? i dont treat girls like crap. if im not interested in them after dating them for a few weeks i will put THEM in the friend zone.

im exactly the person i want to be now. im going out in about 30 minutes and i garuante you i will be coming home with some one. but in the end the people that are where i am and the people who will get there will all realise that woman matter very little in terms of having a life and having fun. when you cant get them you get obssesed with getting them. now you can have who ever you want its not so appealing. id rather spend time improving my life. my studies and having fun with my male firends.

This is the part of your post I like the best. Once you get to the point where you can have almost any girl you want, you realize there are much better things to be doing with your life than obsessing about women. It's ashame that most men (myself included) only realize this after wasting years of their life. If you work on YOURSELF i.e. get paid, hit the gym, buy a house, buy your dream car...............the women will come in droves and then you'll be wishing they'd just go away and let you watch the game on Sunday in peace.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
BuckwildNYC said:
This is the part of your post I like the best. Once you get to the point where you can have almost any girl you want, you realize there are much better things to be doing with your life than obsessing about women. It's ashame that most men (myself included) only realize this after wasting years of their life. If you work on YOURSELF i.e. get paid, hit the gym, buy a house, buy your dream car...............the women will come in droves and then you'll be wishing they'd just go away and let you watch the game on Sunday in peace.
First time I've come across this stated in this way, but I'm all for this philosophy. Since February I've been doing things for myself and no one else. To tell you the truth life is A LOT better. I too wasted a lot of years making women the center of my life. Never could get my life in control and I didn't know why, now it's a completely different story. I can safely say I'm happy with life now and I'm in control of it. To say the least I'm happy in my own skin, which I wasn't at all before.

Really good post, everyone should be able to relate to it.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
good stuff man, looks like u got it down to the point you are enjoying yourself, props. Oh, wat do you look like? U gettin lots of walk up approachs by the sound of it


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
"This is the part of your post I like the best. Once you get to the point where you can have almost any girl you want, you realize there are much better things to be doing with your life than obsessing about women. It's ashame that most men (myself included) only realize this after wasting years of their life. If you work on YOURSELF i.e. get paid, hit the gym, buy a house, buy your dream car...............the women will come in droves and then you'll be wishing they'd just go away and let you watch the game on Sunday in peace."

Yeah cause once you can get ANY GIRL (impossible) ... you would get bored with it....that's utter fkn crap....sorry but that's what you sound like your saying.



Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK
Brak86 said:
Congratulations, i am working towards what you are now...

On a different note, how do you like UK? I ask this because i am going there this summer and also because my friend is going to NYU in London for college.
You'll love London, gorgeous women everywhere :)


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
ive never been out in london so i cant comment. i hear its pretty good though, honeys everywhere, a lil expensive though. to the guy who asked about the walkup aproaches. no i dont really get much of those but i do get woman coming into my space when im on the dance floor (perimeter breaching).