I just stumbled across Walden's journal thread, and I liked the idea. Now, considering as how I was a huge AFC and I am slowly making progress I figured I would start to document my attempts with women to get advice from all of you as to what I'm doing wrong, and what I'm doing right, and as an example of what not to do. So, here's goes:
Girl #1 (Freshmen Year): Blonde HB9.5 Amazingly hot, smart and nice. Problem is, she had a bf. So I took the AFC route hardcore. Became a friend that basically did all sorts of favors and crap for her, thinking it would make me look good and cause her to ditch the bf. Well, they did eventually break up and I made my move, asked her to our winter formal. She declined and hooked back up with her ex. Sadly, it gets worse than this...
Girl#2 (Sophmore Year): Blonde HB7. A good friend of mine from Middle School. First girl that I liked actually, but I never did anything about it. Well, I asked her if she wanted to go out bowling with me and a bunch of friends. She said yes. Then in talking to her again, she changed her mind and said no since she realized that I liked her. Then I went all out AFC and pulled the "I love you, why??" bull. Makes even myself disgusted.
Girl #3 (Sophmore Year): Brunette HB7. A friend and co-worker, that asked me out. In trying to set this date up, it took a good month. That should've been my first redflag. Night of the date comes along, I'm waiting at the movies and she no shows. I call her and she says that she forgot about it. Me being the sucker I was, bought into it. Tried to set up a date for a few more weeks, when she suddenly isn't showing up on my AIM buddy list, but will on my AOL. The I IM her on AOL and she disappears from that too. Blocked. So, I make a new screen name and confront her about it. Huge argument that ended up in her gossiping about me to the rest of my co-workers. Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.
Girl #4 (Sophmore Year): Brunette UG5. A test to see if I could pick up an ugly chick. DIdn't work since she wasn't "over her ex".
Girl #5 (Summer of Junior Year): Redhead HB7. Success. Friend and co-worker. Went out with her about 7 or so times. Only problem was she was leaving for college, so we never had a relationship, but it was still nice after the 4 failures.
Girl #6 (Junior Year): Blonde/Brunette *dyed her hair* HB7. Friend of mine from back in Middle School. Asked her to Homecoming. She said she wasn't going, but if she was she would. Things kept going good until Homecoming, when she was there. With a friend of mine. Confronted her about it and had a huge argument. However, things smoothed themselves over and now she's a good friend.
---I discover these boards---
Girl #7 (Junior Year): Blone/Brunette HB8.5. Girl that had become a friend of mine, and I drove her home everyday from school. I make the not too bright move of asking her out, right before she started a relationship with someone else. Obvious shut down. However, we're still real good friends, and now she's single. Last time we hung out I made sure to use some DJ moves, and she seemed intrested and caught onto them and showed some herself...
Girl #8 (Junior Year): Blonde HB8. Girl that I know from a few partys I've gone too. Asked her to prom. She said yes. However, a week later she changed her mind and decided to go with someone else. Instant next. Havn't assciated with her since, and never plan on it again.
Girl #9 (Summer of Senior Year):Girl #1 only this time a Brunette. I figured what better way to test my DJ skills than to try again at my biggest failure ever, which in my eyes is Girl #1. So, I take a more DJ approach with her, and ask her out. She says yes. We plan on going to see a movie and get dinner, but the day of she calls and says she doesn't have much time, so instead we go to a coffeeshop (redflag 1). While there, we talk for a good two hours. However, she spends quite a bit of time talking about her exes (redflag 2). As we're leaving, I ask her if she wants to get together again sometime. She says she'd call me when she wasn't busy (redflag 3). So, instead of nexting her completely, I try to still remain friends. She begins to ignore my attempts at conversation (final redflag). Nexted. Even if she does call, I'll say no.
So... I'm slowly getting over my AFC habits and becoming a DJ. Now, I'm gonna call up Girl #7 and ask her out. See how that goes. She'll definitly say yes, I just need to set a romantic, nonfriends mood. And if that doesn't work, it's time to try the cold pickups. I'll keep you informed, if you care.
EDIT: Somehow forgot about a girl... don't know how I did that
Girl #1 (Freshmen Year): Blonde HB9.5 Amazingly hot, smart and nice. Problem is, she had a bf. So I took the AFC route hardcore. Became a friend that basically did all sorts of favors and crap for her, thinking it would make me look good and cause her to ditch the bf. Well, they did eventually break up and I made my move, asked her to our winter formal. She declined and hooked back up with her ex. Sadly, it gets worse than this...
Girl#2 (Sophmore Year): Blonde HB7. A good friend of mine from Middle School. First girl that I liked actually, but I never did anything about it. Well, I asked her if she wanted to go out bowling with me and a bunch of friends. She said yes. Then in talking to her again, she changed her mind and said no since she realized that I liked her. Then I went all out AFC and pulled the "I love you, why??" bull. Makes even myself disgusted.
Girl #3 (Sophmore Year): Brunette HB7. A friend and co-worker, that asked me out. In trying to set this date up, it took a good month. That should've been my first redflag. Night of the date comes along, I'm waiting at the movies and she no shows. I call her and she says that she forgot about it. Me being the sucker I was, bought into it. Tried to set up a date for a few more weeks, when she suddenly isn't showing up on my AIM buddy list, but will on my AOL. The I IM her on AOL and she disappears from that too. Blocked. So, I make a new screen name and confront her about it. Huge argument that ended up in her gossiping about me to the rest of my co-workers. Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.
Girl #4 (Sophmore Year): Brunette UG5. A test to see if I could pick up an ugly chick. DIdn't work since she wasn't "over her ex".
Girl #5 (Summer of Junior Year): Redhead HB7. Success. Friend and co-worker. Went out with her about 7 or so times. Only problem was she was leaving for college, so we never had a relationship, but it was still nice after the 4 failures.
Girl #6 (Junior Year): Blonde/Brunette *dyed her hair* HB7. Friend of mine from back in Middle School. Asked her to Homecoming. She said she wasn't going, but if she was she would. Things kept going good until Homecoming, when she was there. With a friend of mine. Confronted her about it and had a huge argument. However, things smoothed themselves over and now she's a good friend.
---I discover these boards---
Girl #7 (Junior Year): Blone/Brunette HB8.5. Girl that had become a friend of mine, and I drove her home everyday from school. I make the not too bright move of asking her out, right before she started a relationship with someone else. Obvious shut down. However, we're still real good friends, and now she's single. Last time we hung out I made sure to use some DJ moves, and she seemed intrested and caught onto them and showed some herself...
Girl #8 (Junior Year): Blonde HB8. Girl that I know from a few partys I've gone too. Asked her to prom. She said yes. However, a week later she changed her mind and decided to go with someone else. Instant next. Havn't assciated with her since, and never plan on it again.
Girl #9 (Summer of Senior Year):Girl #1 only this time a Brunette. I figured what better way to test my DJ skills than to try again at my biggest failure ever, which in my eyes is Girl #1. So, I take a more DJ approach with her, and ask her out. She says yes. We plan on going to see a movie and get dinner, but the day of she calls and says she doesn't have much time, so instead we go to a coffeeshop (redflag 1). While there, we talk for a good two hours. However, she spends quite a bit of time talking about her exes (redflag 2). As we're leaving, I ask her if she wants to get together again sometime. She says she'd call me when she wasn't busy (redflag 3). So, instead of nexting her completely, I try to still remain friends. She begins to ignore my attempts at conversation (final redflag). Nexted. Even if she does call, I'll say no.
So... I'm slowly getting over my AFC habits and becoming a DJ. Now, I'm gonna call up Girl #7 and ask her out. See how that goes. She'll definitly say yes, I just need to set a romantic, nonfriends mood. And if that doesn't work, it's time to try the cold pickups. I'll keep you informed, if you care.
EDIT: Somehow forgot about a girl... don't know how I did that
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