my secret revealed...


New Member
Jul 15, 2002
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this is something that i have always done that has gotten countless girls in my classes in college to have crushes on me, and i never knew what the reason for it was until i really thought about it...

this is something that takes a while to do. you do this when you are relatively small class that is centered on group discussion, or any other situation like that. the secret is this: while most people try stand out by talking as much as they can, you stand out by not every saying anything. the trick is to pay attention to what everyone is saying, and to be keen on everything that is being taught (this is for two reasons: one you want to pay attention in class for your own benefit, and two, women love men who are sharp [a friend that used to have a crush on me said that i appealed to her partially for this reason]). this sets up two things, you establish to everyone in the class (especially the women who will have you on their minds to at least some degree because you stand out) that you are a good listener which is always attractive, and when the teacher asks you for a response, you will be prepared to bring an original, thoughtful response that will catch everyone in the class who is silently judging you off guard.

but that's not all. what people will think (and this is what you want) originally is that you are a prick who is too pretentious and elitist to take the initiative to add to the class discussion, a jerk. however, this will be total speculation, and they will know this because, frankly, they do not know you) also i forgot to say that it is ideal if you do not know anyone in the class really well, because the best way too achieve this is to not socialize with anyone in the beginning, and let everyone make form they’re own groups in the class (again this will cause you to stand out). i say this because the whole meaning of doing that one day (after it has become established that you are the quiet one) you will all of the sudden act the opposite. talk to everyone in the little chatter before class, greet everyone in your class and engage in conversation when you see them out of class. this is where you change their original judgments of you by showing you really actually like them, and that you appreciate their contributions to the class.

what you're doing is NOW making it seem like you were too busy and concerned with other things than trying to stand out in class instead of being an elitist. it also emphasizes that you are confident, not needy of friends, and that you have your own social life, and that you do not need anymore friends. and when you suddenly start show friendliness to everyone, it makes it seem like everyone has finally earned your friendship. after you do that, women in the class will see your sudden change (and women love surprises, especially when they reveal a nicer, sensitive you) it will drive them crazy

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
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Right there!

Almost. Its good not to talk to much, no one likes a show-off, and those that talk all the time are insecure and usually not to bright.

But not talking at all? I guess non of your professors grade on participation...

I usually give others a chance to answer and if no one knows, I come to rescue the discussion. I have earned respect from students and professors this way.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder