My school is the personification of hell


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score

My school is probibly the worst place in the world for an aspiring DJ.


Ok check this out:

1. Catholic School
2. All boy school
3. Boarding School
4. Situated in the middle of nowhere, needs 20 min taxi ride to get to the OUTSKIRTS of town.

This does not help my game, WHATSOEVER.....I entered this boarding school when I was 14 (then I was clueless about being social) but now I am 17/18 and about to enter uni....and I am afriad because during my years in this school since the ages of 14-18 (which is the most important years for anybody for networking or socializing) all I met were really arrogant or ****y guys or really wimpish type of people (I am going to get flamed for saying this).


When I get into college I will have no basis to tell if my methods work or not, every other guy in College will have been in a co-ed high school with girls and everything so they would know what to do with girls....but MYSELF on the other hand will have no fvcking clue!

Fvcks sake.......

Does life get better after high school? Please tell me it does!

because everybody in high school are all insecure little brats trying to be something they are not in order to achieve social acceptance by equally idiotic people. fvkin annoying.

Is it true that everything you do in high school dosent mean sh!t in the real world?

PLEASE TELL ME IT IS.....but I still want the painful truth! :mad:


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
I wouldn't say high school means nothing in terms of the real world, I mean, you get your education and learn how to make friends and stuff.

But in terms of DJ-ing, well, i went to an all-boys school as well and was AWFUL with girls until I found this site. I read stuff on here for like 6 months or something before going into the field, but when I did I was o.k -better than the average guy any way- to begin with, then I improved over the next year or so greatly (in university for the last 6 months.)

Don't worry about networking or anything in high school. I hardly see any of my mates from high school now, although I'm pretty popular at uni. Just make sure you start DJ-ing from the start of your college/uni career, and don't put it off like a lot of AFCs do. Oh and one more thing, be more CONFIDENT, you sound so unsure of yourself at the moment....not attractive to women!!


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
just dont ever say personification of hell again...that is one of the gayest sayings i have ever heard and if you say it around the one chick you will see...well im sure you can figure out what would happen next

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
With my parents
I won't say what you do in HS doesn't mean anything, but I will say it does not mean a lot. HS is just a place where you can get more life experiences that you will be experiencing a lot more as an adult.

When you get to college, sure, you are going to be a bit behind other guys in terms of social graces with the ladies, but you should learn fast. Make sure to observe the guys who are most successful with the women. Go sarging in the summer before college.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
You'll be fine...

Just start "preparing" right now, by increasing your personal value.

If your grades are already high:

1) Go to the gym until you start university and get jacked. That'll ensure you'll atleast pull some azz in uni.
2) Work on your style. Start building a wardrobe of nice stylish clothes.
3) Make some $$$.
4) Join some popular clubs and "get out there". Social experience with guys is just as useful as social experience with girls. Chicks want a man's man(aggressive, dominant, assertive), not a ladies man.
5) Save up some for a car.
6) Keep reading material from this site, and read some PUA books(I'm against the idea of PUAs, but the books have alot of useful conversation info).
7) Join a sport, hobby, whatever.

Life doesn't "get better" after highschool. Life "gets better" when you want it to.